Run your entire business on Zoho with our unified cloud software, designed to help you break down silos between departments and increase organizational efficiency.
package com.zoho.crm.sample.variablegroups
import java.util
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.variablegroups.{APIException, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, VariableGroup, VariableGroupsOperations}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Variablegroup {
* Get Variable Groups
* This method is used to get the details of all the variable groups and print the response.
* @throws Exception
def getVariableGroups(): Unit = { //Get instance of VariableGroupsOperations Class
val variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations
//Call getVariableGroups method
val responseOption = variableGroupsOperations.getVariableGroups
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response= responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
//Check if expected response is received
if (response.isExpected) { //Get object from response
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) { //Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
//Get the obtained VariableGroup instance
var variableGroups:ArrayBuffer[VariableGroup] = responseWrapper.getVariableGroups()
variableGroups.foreach(variableGroup => { //Get the DisplayLabel of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup DisplayLabel: " + variableGroup.getDisplayLabel)
//Get the APIName of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup APIName: " + variableGroup.getAPIName)
//Get the Name of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup Name: " + variableGroup.getName)
//Get the Description of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup Description: " + variableGroup.getDescription)
//Get the ID of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup ID: " + variableGroup.getId)
else { //Check if the request returned an exception
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) { //Get the received APIException instance
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
//Get the Status
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
//Get the Code
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
//Get the details map
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
//Get the Message
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else { //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
val responseObject = response.getModel
//Get the response object's class
val clas = responseObject.getClass
//Get all declared fields of the response class
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) { //Get each value
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))
Get a Variable Group by its Group ID
package com.zoho.crm.sample.variablegroups
import java.util
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.variablegroups.{APIException, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, VariableGroup, VariableGroupsOperations}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Variablegroup {
* Get Variable Group By Id
* This method is used to get the details of any variable group with group id and print the response.
* @param variableGroupId - The ID of the VariableGroup to be obtained
* @throws Exception
def getVariableGroupById(variableGroupId: Long): Unit = { //example
//Long variableGroupId = 3477061000003089001l
val variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations
//Call getVariableGroupById method that takes variableGroupId as parameter
val responseOption = variableGroupsOperations.getVariableGroupById(variableGroupId)
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response= responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
if (response.isExpected) {
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) {
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
val variableGroups = responseWrapper.getVariableGroups
variableGroups.foreach(variableGroup => { //Get the DisplayLabel of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup DisplayLabel: " + variableGroup.getDisplayLabel)
println("VariableGroup APIName: " + variableGroup.getAPIName)
println("VariableGroup Name: " + variableGroup.getName)
println("VariableGroup Description: " + variableGroup.getDescription)
println("VariableGroup ID: " + variableGroup.getId)
else if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) {
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else {
val responseObject = response.getModel
val clas = responseObject.getClass
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) {
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))
Get a Variable Group by its API Name
package com.zoho.crm.sample.variablegroups
import java.util
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.variablegroups.{APIException, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, VariableGroup, VariableGroupsOperations}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Variablegroup {
* Get Variable Group By APIName
* This method is used to get the details of any variable group with group name and print the response.
* @param variableGroupName - The API Name of the VariableGroup to be obtained
* @throws Exception
def getVariableGroupByAPIName(variableGroupName: String): Unit = { //String variableGroupName = "General"
val variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations
//Call getVariableGroupByAPIName method that takes variableGroupName as parameter
val responseOption = variableGroupsOperations.getVariableGroupByAPIName(variableGroupName)
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response= responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
if (response.isExpected) {
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) {
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
val variableGroups = responseWrapper.getVariableGroups
variableGroups.foreach(variableGroup => { //Get the DisplayLabel of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup DisplayLabel: " + variableGroup.getDisplayLabel)
println("VariableGroup APIName: " + variableGroup.getAPIName)
println("VariableGroup Name: " + variableGroup.getName)
println("VariableGroup Description: " + variableGroup.getDescription)
println("VariableGroup ID: " + variableGroup.getId)
else if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) {
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else {
val responseObject = response.getModel
val clas = responseObject.getClass
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) {
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))