Scala SDK Samples - Variable Groups Operations
package com.zoho.crm.sample.variablegroups
import java.util
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.variablegroups.{APIException, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, VariableGroup, VariableGroupsOperations}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Variablegroup {
* Get Variable Groups
* This method is used to get the details of all the variable groups and print the response.
* @throws Exception
def getVariableGroups(): Unit = { //Get instance of VariableGroupsOperations Class
val variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations
//Call getVariableGroups method
val responseOption = variableGroupsOperations.getVariableGroups
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response= responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
//Check if expected response is received
if (response.isExpected) { //Get object from response
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) { //Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
//Get the obtained VariableGroup instance
var variableGroups:ArrayBuffer[VariableGroup] = responseWrapper.getVariableGroups()
variableGroups.foreach(variableGroup => { //Get the DisplayLabel of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup DisplayLabel: " + variableGroup.getDisplayLabel)
//Get the APIName of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup APIName: " + variableGroup.getAPIName)
//Get the Name of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup Name: " + variableGroup.getName)
//Get the Description of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup Description: " + variableGroup.getDescription)
//Get the ID of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup ID: " + variableGroup.getId)
else { //Check if the request returned an exception
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) { //Get the received APIException instance
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
//Get the Status
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
//Get the Code
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
//Get the details map
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
//Get the Message
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else { //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
val responseObject = response.getModel
//Get the response object's class
val clas = responseObject.getClass
//Get all declared fields of the response class
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) { //Get each value
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))
package com.zoho.crm.sample.variablegroups
import java.util
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.variablegroups.{APIException, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, VariableGroup, VariableGroupsOperations}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Variablegroup {
* Get Variable Group By APIName
* This method is used to get the details of any variable group with group name and print the response.
* @param variableGroupName - The API Name of the VariableGroup to be obtained
* @throws Exception
def getVariableGroupByAPIName(variableGroupName: String): Unit = { //String variableGroupName = "General"
val variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations
//Call getVariableGroupByAPIName method that takes variableGroupName as parameter
val responseOption = variableGroupsOperations.getVariableGroupByAPIName(variableGroupName)
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response= responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
if (response.isExpected) {
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) {
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
val variableGroups = responseWrapper.getVariableGroups
variableGroups.foreach(variableGroup => { //Get the DisplayLabel of each VariableGroup
println("VariableGroup DisplayLabel: " + variableGroup.getDisplayLabel)
println("VariableGroup APIName: " + variableGroup.getAPIName)
println("VariableGroup Name: " + variableGroup.getName)
println("VariableGroup Description: " + variableGroup.getDescription)
println("VariableGroup ID: " + variableGroup.getId)
else if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) {
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else {
val responseObject = response.getModel
val clas = responseObject.getClass
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) {
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))