Scala SDK Samples - Blueprint Operations
package com.zoho.crm.sample.blueprint
import java.util
import com.zoho.crm.api.blueprint.{APIException, ActionResponse, BluePrint, BluePrintOperations, BodyWrapper, NextTransition, ProcessInfo, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, SuccessResponse, Transition, ValidationError}
import com.zoho.crm.api.fields.AutoNumber
import com.zoho.crm.api.fields.Field
import com.zoho.crm.api.fields.MultiSelectLookup
import com.zoho.crm.api.fields.PickListValue
import com.zoho.crm.api.fields.ToolTip
import com.zoho.crm.api.fields.ViewType
import com.zoho.crm.api.layouts.Layout
import com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record
import com.zoho.crm.api.users.User
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object BluePrints {
* Get Blueprint
* This method is used to get a single record's Blueprint details with ID and print the response.
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module
* @param recordId The ID of the record to get Blueprint
* @throws Exception
def getBlueprint(moduleAPIName: String, recordId: Long): Unit = { //example
//String moduleAPIName = "Leads"
//Long recordId = 34770614381002l
//Get instance of BluePrintOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
val bluePrintOperations = new BluePrintOperations(recordId,moduleAPIName)
//Call getBlueprint method
val responseOption = bluePrintOperations.getBlueprint
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response= responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
//Check if expected response is received
if (response.isExpected) { //Get object from response
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) { //Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
//Get the obtained BluePrint instance
val bluePrintOption = responseWrapper.getBlueprint
val bluePrint = bluePrintOption.get
//Get the ProcessInfo instance of the obtained BluePrint
val processInfoOption= bluePrint.getProcessInfo()
//Check if ProcessInfo is not null
if (processInfoOption.isDefined) { //Get the Field ID of the ProcessInfo
var processInfo = processInfoOption.get
println("ProcessInfo Field-ID: " + processInfo.getFieldId)
//Get the isContinuous of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo isContinuous: " + processInfo.getIsContinuous)
//Get the API Name of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo API Name: " + processInfo.getAPIName)
//Get the Continuous of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo Continuous: " + processInfo.getContinuous)
//Get the FieldLabel of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo FieldLabel: " + processInfo.getFieldLabel)
//Get the Name of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo Name: " + processInfo.getName)
//Get the ColumnName of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo ColumnName: " + processInfo.getColumnName)
//Get the FieldValue of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo FieldValue: " + processInfo.getFieldValue)
//Get the ID of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo ID: " + processInfo.getId)
//Get the FieldName of the ProcessInfo
println("ProcessInfo FieldName: " + processInfo.getFieldName)
//Get the list of transitions from BluePrint instance
val transitions = bluePrint.getTransitions
for (transition <- transitions) {
val nextTransitions = transition.getNextTransitions
for (nextTransition <- nextTransitions) { //Get the ID of the NextTransition
println("NextTransition ID: " + nextTransition.getId)
//Get the Name of the NextTransition
println("NextTransition Name: " + nextTransition.getName)
//Get the PercentPartialSave of each Transition
println("Transition PercentPartialSave: " + transition.getPercentPartialSave)
val dataOption = transition.getData
val data = dataOption.get
//Get the ID of each record
println("Record ID: " + data.getId)
//Get the createdBy User instance of each record
val createdByOption = dataOption.get.getCreatedBy
if (createdByOption.isDefined) { //Get the ID of the createdBy User
val createdBy = createdByOption.get
println("Record Created By User-ID: " + createdBy.getId)
//Get the name of the createdBy User
println("Record Created By User-Name: " + createdBy.getName)
//Check if the created time is not null
if (data.getCreatedTime.isDefined) { //Get the created time of each record
println("Record Created Time: " + data.getCreatedTime.toString)
//Check if the modified time is not null
if (data.getModifiedTime.isDefined) { //Get the modified time of each record
println("Record Modified Time: " + data.getModifiedTime.toString)
//Get the modifiedBy User instance of each record
val modifiedByOption = data.getModifiedBy
//Check if modifiedByUser is not null
if (modifiedByOption.isDefined) { //Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
val modifiedBy = modifiedByOption.get
println("Record Modified By User-ID: " + modifiedBy.getId)
//Get the name of the modifiedBy User
println("Record Modified By user-Name: " + modifiedBy.getName)
//Get all entries from the keyValues map
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
//Get the NextFieldValue of the Transition
println("Transition NextFieldValue: " + transition.getNextFieldValue)
//Get the Name of each Transition
println("Transition Name: " + transition.getName)
//Get the CriteriaMatched of the Transition
println("Transition CriteriaMatched: " + transition.getCriteriaMatched.toString)
//Get the ID of the Transition
println("Transition ID: " + transition.getId)
println("Transition Fields: ")
val fields = transition.getFields
for (field <- fields) { //Get the webhook of each Field
println("Transition Fields Webhook: " + field.getWebhook)
//Get the JsonType of each Field
println("Transition Fields JsonType: " + field.getJsonType)
//Get the DisplayLabel of each Field
println("Transition Fields DisplayLabel: " + field.getDisplayLabel)
//Get the ValidationRule of each Field
println("Transition Fields ValidationRule: " + field.getValidationRule)
//Get the DataType of each Field
println("Transition Fields DataType: " + field.getDataType)
//Get the Type of each Field
println("Transition Fields Type: " + field.getType)
//Get the ColumnName of each Field
println("Transition Fields ColumnName: " + field.getColumnName)
//Get the PersonalityName of each Field
println("Transition Fields PersonalityName: " + field.getPersonalityName)
//Get the ID of each Field
println("Transition Fields ID: " + field.getId)
//Get the TransitionSequence of each Field
println("Transition Fields TransitionSequence: " + field.getTransitionSequence.toString)
if (field.getMandatory.isDefined) { //Get the Mandatory of each Field
println("Transition Fields Mandatory: " + field.getMandatory.toString)
val layoutOption = field.getLayouts
if (layoutOption.isDefined) { //Get the ID of the Layout
var layout = layoutOption.get
println("Transition Fields Layout ID: " + layout.getId)
//Get the name of the Layout
println("Transition Fields Layout Name: " + layout.getName)
//Get the APIName of each Field
println("Transition Fields APIName: " + field.getAPIName)
//Get the Content of each Field
println("Transition Fields Content: " + field.getContent)
if (field.getSystemMandatory.isDefined) { //Get the SystemMandatory of each Field
println("Transition Fields SystemMandatory: " + field.getSystemMandatory.toString)
//Get the Crypt of each Field
println("Transition Fields Crypt: " + field.getCrypt)
//Get the FieldLabel of each Field
println("Transition Fields FieldLabel: " + field.getFieldLabel)
//Get the Tooltip of each Field
val toolTipOption = field.getTooltip
if (toolTipOption.isDefined ) { //Get the Tooltip Name
val toolTip = toolTipOption.get
println("Transition Fields Tooltip Name: " + toolTip.getName)
//Get the Tooltip Value
println("Transition Fields Tooltip Value: " + toolTip.getValue)
//Get the CreatedSource of each Field
println("Transition Fields CreatedSource: " + field.getCreatedSource)
if (field.getFieldReadOnly.isDefined) { //Get the FieldReadOnly of each Field
println("Transition Fields FieldReadOnly: " + field.getFieldReadOnly.toString)
if (field.getReadOnly.isDefined) { //Get the ReadOnly of each Field
println("Transition Fields ReadOnly: " + field.getReadOnly.toString)
//Get the AssociationDetails of each Field
println("Transition Fields AssociationDetails: " + field.getAssociationDetails)
if (field.getQuickSequenceNumber.isDefined) { //Get the QuickSequenceNumber of each Field
println("Transition Fields QuickSequenceNumber: " + field.getQuickSequenceNumber.toString)
if (field.getCustomField.isDefined) { //Get the CustomField of each Field
println("Transition Fields CustomField: " + field.getCustomField.toString)
if (field.getVisible.isDefined) { //Get the Visible of each Field
println("Transition Fields Visible: " + field.getVisible.toString)
if (field.getLength.isDefined) { //Get the Length of each Field
println("Transition Fields Length: " + field.getLength.toString)
//Get the DecimalPlace of each Field
println("Transition Fields DecimalPlace: " + field.getDecimalPlace)
val viewTypeOption = field.getViewType
if (viewTypeOption.isDefined) { //Get the View of the ViewType
val viewType = viewTypeOption.get
println("Transition Fields ViewType View: " + viewType.getView.toString)
//Get the Edit of the ViewType
println("Transition Fields ViewType Edit: " + viewType.getEdit.toString)
//Get the Create of the ViewType
println("Transition Fields ViewType Create: " + viewType.getCreate.toString)
println("Transition Fields ViewType QuickCreate: " + viewType.getQuickCreate.toString)
val pickListValues = field.getPickListValues
if (pickListValues != null) {
for (pickListValue <- pickListValues) { //Get the DisplayValue of each PickListValues
println("Transition Fields PickListValue DisplayValue: " + pickListValue.getDisplayValue)
//Get the SequenceNumber of each PickListValues
println("Transition Fields PickListValue SequenceNumber: " + pickListValue.getSequenceNumber.toString)
//Get the ExpectedDataType of each PickListValues
println("Transition Fields PickListValue ExpectedDataType: " + pickListValue.getExpectedDataType)
//Get the ActualValue of each PickListValues
println("Transition Fields PickListValue ActualValue: " + pickListValue.getActualValue)
for (map <- pickListValue.getMaps) {
//Get all entries from the MultiSelectLookup instance
val multiSelectLookupOption = field.getMultiselectlookup
if (multiSelectLookupOption.isDefined) { //Get the DisplayValue of the MultiSelectLookup
val multiSelectLookup= multiSelectLookupOption.get
println("Transition Fields MultiSelectLookup DisplayLabel: " + multiSelectLookup.getDisplayLabel)
//Get the LinkingModule of the MultiSelectLookup
println("Transition Fields MultiSelectLookup LinkingModule: " + multiSelectLookup.getLinkingModule)
//Get the LookupApiname of the MultiSelectLookup
println("Transition Fields MultiSelectLookup LookupApiname: " + multiSelectLookup.getLookupApiname)
//Get the APIName of the MultiSelectLookup
println("Transition Fields MultiSelectLookup APIName: " + multiSelectLookup.getAPIName)
//Get the ConnectedlookupApiname of the MultiSelectLookup
println("Transition Fields MultiSelectLookup ConnectedlookupApiname: " + multiSelectLookup.getConnectedlookupApiname)
//Get the ID of the MultiSelectLookup
println("Transition Fields MultiSelectLookup ID: " + multiSelectLookup.getId)
//Get the AutoNumber of each Field
val autoNumberOption = field.getAutoNumber
if (autoNumberOption.isDefined) { //Get the Prefix of the AutoNumber
val autoNumber = autoNumberOption.get
println("Transition Fields AutoNumber Prefix: " + autoNumber.getPrefix)
//Get the Suffix of the AutoNumber
println("Transition Fields AutoNumber Suffix: " + autoNumber.getSuffix)
if (autoNumber.getStartNumber.isDefined) { //Get the StartNumber of the AutoNumber
println("Transition Fields Auto StartNumber: " + autoNumber.getStartNumber.toString)
//Get the ConvertMapping of each Field
println("Transition Fields ConvertMapping: ")
if (field.getConvertMapping != null) { //Get all entries from the ConvertMapping
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
//Get the CriteriaMessage of each Transition
println("Transition CriteriaMessage: " + transition.getCriteriaMessage)
else { //Check if the request returned an exception
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) { //Get the received APIException instance
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
//Get the Status
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
//Get the Code
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
//Get the details map
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
//Get the Message
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else { //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
val responseObject = response.getModel
//Get the response object's class
val clas = responseObject.getClass
//Get all declared fields of the response class
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) { //Get each value
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))
class BluePrints {}