Python SDK Samples - Profile Operations
from import *
from datetime import datetim
class Profile(object):
def get_profile(profile_id):
This method is used to get the details of any specific profile with ID.
:param profile_id: The ID of the Profile to be obtained
profile_id = 3409643000002280002
# Get instance of ProfilesOperations Class
profiles_operations = ProfilesOperations()
# Call get_profile method that takes profile_id as parameter
response = profiles_operations.get_profile(profile_id)
if response is not None:
# Get the status code from response
print('Status Code: ' + str(response.get_status_code()))
if response.get_status_code() in [204, 304]:
print('No Content' if response.get_status_code() == 204 else 'Not Modified')
# Get object from response
response_object = response.get_object()
if response_object is not None:
# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received.
if isinstance(response_object, ResponseWrapper):
# Get the list of obtained Profile instances
profiles_list = response_object.get_profiles()
for profile in profiles_list:
# Get the DisplayLabel of the each Profile
print("Profile DisplayLabel: " + profile.get_display_label())
if profile.get_created_time() is not None:
# Get the CreatedTime of each Profile
print("Profile CreatedTime: " + str(profile.get_created_time()))
if profile.get_modified_time() is not None:
# Get the ModifiedTime of each Profile
print("Profile ModifiedTime: " + str(profile.get_modified_time()))
# Get the Name of the each Profile
print("Profile Name: " + profile.get_name())
# Get the modifiedBy User instance of each Profile
modified_by = profile.get_modified_by()
# Check if modified_by is not None
if modified_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
print("Profile Modified By - Name: " + modified_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
print("Profile Modified By - ID: " + str(modified_by.get_id()))
# Get the Description of the each Profile
print("Profile Description: " + str(profile.get_description()))
# Get the ID of the each Profile
print("Profile ID: " + str(profile.get_id()))
# Get the Category of the each Profile
print("Profile Category: " + str(profile.get_category()))
# Get the CreatedBy User instance of each Profile
created_by = profile.get_created_by()
# Check if created_by is not None
if created_by is not None:
# Get the Name of the createdBy User
print("Profile Created By - Name: " + created_by.get_name())
# Get the ID of the createdBy User
print("Profile Created By - ID: " + str(created_by.get_id()))
# Get the permissionsDetails of each Profile
permissions_details = profile.get_permissions_details()
if permissions_details is not None:
for permissions_detail in permissions_details:
# Get the DisplayLabel of the each PermissionDetail
print("Profile PermissionDetail DisplayLabel: " + str(permissions_detail.get_display_label()))
# Get the Module of the each PermissionDetail
print("Profile PermissionDetail Module: " + str(permissions_detail.get_module()))
# Get the Name of the each PermissionDetail
print("Profile PermissionDetail Name: " + str(permissions_detail.get_name()))
# Get the ID of the each PermissionDetail
print("Profile PermissionDetail ID: " + str(permissions_detail.get_id()))
# Get the Enabled of the each PermissionDetail
print("Profile PermissionDetail Enabled: " + str(permissions_detail.get_enabled()))
# Get the sections of each Profile
sections = profile.get_sections()
if sections is not None:
for section in sections:
# Get the Name of the each Section
print("Profile Section Name: " + section.get_name())
# Get the categories of each Section
categories = section.get_categories()
if categories is not None:
for category in categories:
# Get the DisplayLabel of the each Category
print("Profile Section Category DisplayLabel: " + str(category.get_display_label()))
# Get the permissionsDetails List of each Category
category_permissions_details = category.get_permissions_details()
if category_permissions_details is not None:
for permissions_detail_id in category_permissions_details:
# Get the permissionsDetailID of the Category
print("Profile Section Category permissionsDetailID: " + permissions_detail_id)
# Get the Name of the each Category
print("Profile Section Category Name: " + str(category.get_name()))
if profile.get_delete() is not None:
# Get the Delete of the each Profile
print("Profile Delete: " + str(profile.get_delete()))
if profile.get_default() is not None:
# Get the Default of the each Profile
print("Profile Default: " + str(profile.get_default()))
# Check if the request returned an exception
elif isinstance(response_object, APIException):
# Get the Status
print("Status: " + response_object.get_status().get_value())
# Get the Code
print("Code: " + response_object.get_code().get_value())
# Get the details dict
details = response_object.get_details()
for key, value in details.items():
print(key + ' : ' + str(value))
# Get the Message
print("Message: " + response_object.get_message().get_value())