PHP SDK Samples - Attachment Operations
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\attachments;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\AttachmentsOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\DeleteAttachmentsParam;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\UploadLinkAttachmentParam;
class Attachment
* Get Attachments
* This method is used to get a single record's attachments' details with ID and print the response.
* @throws Exception
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module
* @param recordId The ID of the record to get attachments
public static function getAttachments(string $moduleAPIName, string $recordId)
//$moduleAPIName = "Leads";
//$recordId = "34770615177002";
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
$attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId);
//Get instance of ParameterMap Class
$paramInstance = new ParameterMap();
//Possible parameters of Get Attachments Operation
$paramInstance->add(GetAttachmentsParam::fields(), "id,Modified_Time");
$paramInstance->add(GetAttachmentsParam::page(), 1);
$paramInstance->add(GetAttachmentsParam::perPage(), 100);
//Call getAttachments method that takes ParameterMap instance as parameter
$response = $attachmentOperations->getAttachments($paramInstance);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
if(in_array($response->getStatusCode(), array(204, 304)))
echo($response->getStatusCode() == 204? "No Content\n" : "Not Modified\n");
//Get object from response
$responseHandler = $response->getObject();
if($responseHandler instanceof ResponseWrapper)
//Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
$responseWrapper = $responseHandler;
//Get the list of obtained Attachment instances
$attachments = $responseWrapper->getData();
foreach ($attachments as $attachment)
//Get the owner User instance of each attachment
$owner = $attachment->getOwner();
//Check if owner is not null
if($owner != null)
//Get the Name of the Owner
echo("Attachment Owner User-Name: " . $owner->getName() . "\n");
//Get the ID of the Owner
echo("Attachment Owner User-ID: " . $owner->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Email of the Owner
echo("Attachment Owner User-Email: " . $owner->getEmail() . "\n");
//Get the modified time of each attachment
echo("Attachment Modified Time: ");
//Get the name of the File
echo("Attachment File Name: " . $attachment->getFileName() . "\n");
//Get the created time of each attachment
echo("Attachment Created Time: " );
//Get the Attachment file size
echo("Attachment File Size: " . $attachment->getSize() . "\n");
//Get the parentId Record instance of each attachment
$parentId = $attachment->getParentId();
//Check if parentId is not null
if($parentId != null)
//Get the parent record Name of each attachment
echo("Attachment parent record Name: " . $parentId->getKeyValue("name") . "\n");
//Get the parent record ID of each attachment
echo("Attachment parent record ID: " . $parentId->getId() . "\n");
//Get the attachment is Editable
echo("Attachment is Editable: " . $attachment->getEditable() . "\n");
//Get the file ID of each attachment
echo("Attachment File ID: " . $attachment->getFileId() . "\n");
//Get the type of each attachment
echo("Attachment File Type: " . $attachment->getType() . "\n");
//Get the seModule of each attachment
echo("Attachment seModule: " . $attachment->getSeModule() . "\n");
//Get the modifiedBy User instance of each attachment
$modifiedBy = $attachment->getModifiedBy();
//Check if modifiedBy is not null
if($modifiedBy != null)
//Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
echo("Attachment Modified By User-Name: " . $modifiedBy->getName() . "\n");
//Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
echo("Attachment Modified By User-ID: " . $modifiedBy->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Email of the modifiedBy User
echo("Attachment Modified By User-Email: " . $modifiedBy->getEmail() . "\n");
//Get the state of each attachment
echo("Attachment State: " . $attachment->getState() . "\n");
//Get the ID of each attachment
echo("Attachment ID: " . $attachment->getId() . "\n");
//Get the createdBy User instance of each attachment
$createdBy = $attachment->getCreatedBy();
//Check if createdBy is not null
if($createdBy != null)
//Get the name of the createdBy User
echo("Attachment Created By User-Name: " . $createdBy->getName() . "\n");
//Get the ID of the createdBy User
echo("Attachment Created By User-ID: " . $createdBy->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Email of the createdBy User
echo("Attachment Created By User-Email: " . $createdBy->getEmail() . "\n");
//Get the linkUrl of each attachment
echo("Attachment LinkUrl: " . $attachment->getLinkUrl() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($responseHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $responseHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\attachments;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\AttachmentsOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\DeleteAttachmentsParam;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\UploadLinkAttachmentParam;
class Attachment
* Upload Attachments
* This method is used to upload an attachment to a single record of a module with ID and print the response.
* @throws Exception
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module
* @param recordId The ID of the record to upload attachment
* @param absoluteFilePath The absolute file path of the file to be attached
public static function uploadAttachments(string $moduleAPIName, string $recordId, string $absoluteFilePath)
//$moduleAPIName = "Leads";
//$recordId = "34770615177002";
//$absoluteFilePath = "/Users/use_name/Desktop/image.png"
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
$attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId);
//Get instance of FileBodyWrapper class that will contain the request file
$fileBodyWrapper = new FileBodyWrapper();
//Get instance of StreamWrapper class that takes absolute path of the file to be attached as parameter
$streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(null, null, $absoluteFilePath);
//Set file to the FileBodyWrapper instance
//Call uploadAttachment method that takes FileBodyWrapper instance as parameter
$response = $attachmentOperations->uploadAttachment($fileBodyWrapper);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionHandler = $response->getObject();
if($actionHandler instanceof ActionWrapper)
//Get the received ActionWrapper instance
$actionWrapper = $actionHandler;
//Get the list of obtained action responses
$actionResponses = $actionWrapper->getData();
foreach ($actionResponses as $actionResponse)
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($successResponse->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($successResponse->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\attachments;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\AttachmentsOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\DeleteAttachmentsParam;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\UploadLinkAttachmentParam;
class Attachment
* Delete Attachments
* This method is used to Delete attachments to a single record of a module with ID and print the response.
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module
* @param recordId The ID of the record to delete attachment
* @param attachmentIds The List of attachment IDs to be deleted
public static function deleteAttachments(string $moduleAPIName, string $recordId, array $attachmentIds)
//$moduleAPIName = "Leads";
//$recordId = "34770615177002";
//$attachmentIds = array("34770615177001","34770615177003");
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
$attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId);
//Get instance of ParameterMap Class
$paramInstance = new ParameterMap();
foreach($attachmentIds as $attachmentId)
$paramInstance->add(DeleteAttachmentsParam::ids(), $attachmentId);
//Call deleteAttachments method that takes paramInstance as parameter
$response = $attachmentOperations->deleteAttachments($paramInstance);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code" . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionHandler = $response->getObject();
if($actionHandler instanceof ActionWrapper)
//Get the received ActionWrapper instance
$actionWrapper = $actionHandler;
//Get the list of obtained action responses
$actionResponses = $actionWrapper->getData();
foreach ($actionResponses as $actionResponse)
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($successResponse->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($successResponse->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\attachments;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\AttachmentsOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\DeleteAttachmentsParam;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\UploadLinkAttachmentParam;
public class Attachment
* Download Attachment
* This method is used to download an attachment of a single record of a module with ID and attachment ID and write the file in the specified destination.
* @throws Exception
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module
* @param recordId The ID of the record to download attachment
* @param attachmentId The ID of the attachment to be downloaded
* @param destinationFolder The absolute path of the destination folder to store the attachment
public static function downloadAttachment(string $moduleAPIName, string $recordId, string $attachmentId, string $destinationFolder)
//moduleAPIName = "Leads";
//recordId = "34770615177002";
//attachmentId = "34770615177023";
//destinationFolder = "/Users/user_name/Desktop"
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
$attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId);
//Call downloadAttachment method that takes attachmentId as parameters
$response = $attachmentOperations->downloadAttachment($attachmentId);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
if($response->getStatusCode() == 204)
echo("No Content\n");
//Get object from response
$responseHandler = $response->getObject();
if($responseHandler instanceof FileBodyWrapper)
//Get the received FileBodyWrapper instance
$fileBodyWrapper = $responseHandler;
//Get StreamWrapper instance from the returned FileBodyWrapper instance
$streamWrapper = $fileBodyWrapper->getFile();
//Create a file instance with the absolute_file_path
$fp = fopen($destinationFolder."/".$streamWrapper->getName(), "w");
//Get stream from the response
$stream = $streamWrapper->getStream();
fputs($fp, $stream);
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($responseHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $responseHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\attachments;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\AttachmentsOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\DeleteAttachmentsParam;
use com\zoho\crm\api\attachments\UploadLinkAttachmentParam;
class Attachment
* Upload Link Attachments
* This method is used to upload link attachment to a single record of a module with ID and print the response.
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module
* @param recordId The ID of the record to upload Link attachment
* @param attachmentURL The attachmentURL of the doc or image link to be attached
public static function uploadLinkAttachments(string $moduleAPIName, string $recordId, string $attachmentURL)
//$moduleAPIName = "Leads";
//$recordId = "34770615177002";
//$attachmentURL = "";
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
$attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId);
//Get instance of ParameterMap Class
$paramInstance = new ParameterMap();
$paramInstance->add(UploadLinkAttachmentParam::attachmentUrl(), $attachmentURL);
//Call uploadAttachment method that takes paramInstance as parameter
$response = $attachmentOperations->uploadLinkAttachment($paramInstance);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code" . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionHandler = $response->getObject();
if($actionHandler instanceof ActionWrapper)
//Get the received ActionWrapper instance
$actionWrapper = $actionHandler;
//Get the list of obtained action responses
$actionResponses = $actionWrapper->getData();
foreach ($actionResponses as $actionResponse)
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($successResponse->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($successResponse->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");