PHP SDK Samples - Bulk Write Operations
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\bulkwrite;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\BulkWriteOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\UploadFileHeader;
use com\zoho\crm\api\HeaderMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\RequestWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\CallBack;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\Choice;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\Resource;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\FieldMapping;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\BulkWriteResponse;
class BulkWrite
* Create BulkWrite Job
* This method is used to create a bulk write job.
* @param moduleAPIName The API Name of the record's module.
* @param fileId The ID of the uploaded file to create BulkWrite Job.
public static function createBulkWriteJob(string $moduleAPIName, string $fileId)
//Get instance of BulkWriteOperations Class
$bulkWriteOperations = new BulkWriteOperations();
//Get instance of RequestWrapper Class that will contain the request body
$requestWrapper = new RequestWrapper();
//Get instance of CallBack Class
$callback = new CallBack();
// To set valid callback URL.
//To set the HTTP method of the callback URL. The allowed value is post.
$callback->setMethod(new Choice("post"));
//The Bulk Write Job's details are posted to this URL on successful completion of job or on failure of job.
//To set the charset of the uploaded file
//To set the type of operation you want to perform on the bulk write job.
$requestWrapper->setOperation(new Choice("insert"));
$resource = array();
//Get instance of Resource Class
$resourceIns = new Resource();
// To set the type of module that you want to import. The value is data.
$resourceIns->setType(new Choice("data"));
//To set API name of the module that you select for bulk write job.
//To set the file_id obtained from file upload API.
//True - Ignores the empty values.The default value is false.
// To set a field as a unique field or ID of a record.
$fieldMappings = array();
//Get instance of FieldMapping Class
$fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
//To set API name of the field present in Zoho module object that you want to import.
//To set the column index of the field you want to map to the CRM field.
array_push($fieldMappings, $fieldMapping);
$fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
array_push($fieldMappings, $fieldMapping);
$fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
array_push($fieldMappings, $fieldMapping);
$fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
array_push($fieldMappings, $fieldMapping);
$fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
$defaultValue = array();
$defaultValue["value"] = "";
//To set the default value for an empty column in the uploaded file.
array_push($fieldMappings, $fieldMapping);
array_push($resource, $resourceIns);
//Call createBulkWriteJob method that takes RequestWrapper instance as parameter
$response = $bulkWriteOperations->createBulkWriteJob($requestWrapper);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code : " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionResponse = $response->getObject();
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach($successResponse->getDetails() as $key => $value)
//Get each value in the map
echo( $key . ": ");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach($exception->getDetails() as $key => $value)
//Get each value in the map
echo($key . ": " . $value . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\bulkwrite;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\BulkWriteOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\UploadFileHeader;
use com\zoho\crm\api\HeaderMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\RequestWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\CallBack;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\Choice;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\Resource;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\FieldMapping;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\BulkWriteResponse;
class BulkWrite
* Get BulkWriteJob Details
* This method is used to get the details of a bulk write job performed previously.
* @param jobId The unique ID of the bulk write job.
* @throws Exception
public static function getBulkWriteJobDetails(string $jobId)
//String jobId = "1235XXXXXXXX2345";
//Get instance of BulkWriteOperations Class
$bulkWriteOperations = new BulkWriteOperations();
//Call getBulkWriteJobDetails method that takes jobId as parameter
$response = $bulkWriteOperations->getBulkWriteJobDetails($jobId);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
if(in_array($response->getStatusCode(), array(204, 304)))
echo($response->getStatusCode() == 204? "No Content\n" : "Not Modified\n");
//Get object from response
$responseWrapper = $response->getObject();
if($responseWrapper instanceof BulkWriteResponse)
//Get the received BulkWriteResponse instance
$bulkWriteResponse = $responseWrapper;
//Get the Job Status of each bulkWriteResponse
echo("Bulkwrite Job Status: " . $bulkWriteResponse->getStatus() . "\n");
//Get the CharacterEncoding of each bulkWriteResponse
echo("Bulkwrite CharacterEncoding: " . $bulkWriteResponse->getCharacterEncoding() . "\n");
$resources = $bulkWriteResponse->getResource();
if($resources != null)
foreach($resources as $resource)
//Get the Status of each Resource
echo("Bulkwrite Resource Status: " . $resource->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Type of each Resource
echo("Bulkwrite Resource Type: " . $resource->getType()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Module of each Resource
echo("Bulkwrite Resource Module: " . $resource->getModule() . "\n");
$fieldMappings = $resource->getFieldMappings();
if($fieldMappings != null)
foreach($fieldMappings as $fieldMapping)
//Get the APIName of each FieldMapping
echo("Bulkwrite Resource FieldMapping Module: " . $fieldMapping->getAPIName() . "\n");
if($fieldMapping->getIndex() != null)
//Get the Index of each FieldMapping
echo("Bulkwrite Resource FieldMapping Index: " . $fieldMapping->getIndex() . "\n");
if($fieldMapping->getFormat() != null)
//Get the Format of each FieldMapping
echo("Bulkwrite Resource FieldMapping Format: " . $fieldMapping->getFormat() . "\n");
if($fieldMapping->getFindBy() != null)
//Get the FindBy of each FieldMapping
echo("Bulkwrite Resource FieldMapping FindBy: " . $fieldMapping->getFindBy() . "\n");
if($fieldMapping->getDefaultValue() != null)
//Get all entries from the keyValues map
foreach($fieldMapping->getDefaultValue() as $key => $value)
//Get each value from the map
echo($key . ": " . $value . "\n");
$file = $resource->getFile();
if($file != null)
//Get the Status of each File
echo("Bulkwrite Resource File Status: " . $file->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Name of each File
echo("Bulkwrite Resource File Name: " . $file->getName() . "\n");
//Get the AddedCount of each File
echo("Bulkwrite Resource File AddedCount: " . $file->getAddedCount() . "\n");
//Get the SkippedCount of each File
echo("Bulkwrite Resource File SkippedCount: " . $file->getSkippedCount() . "\n");
//Get the UpdatedCount of each File
echo("Bulkwrite Resource File UpdatedCount: " . $file->getUpdatedCount() . "\n");
//Get the TotalCount of each File
echo("Bulkwrite Resource File TotalCount: " . $file->getTotalCount() . "\n");
//Get the ID of each BulkWriteResponse
echo("Bulkwrite ID: " . $bulkWriteResponse->getId() . "\n");
$result = $bulkWriteResponse->getResult();
if($result != null)
//Get the DownloadUrl of the Result
echo("Bulkwrite DownloadUrl: " . $result->getDownloadUrl() . "\n");
//Get the CreatedBy User instance of each BulkWriteResponse
$createdBy = $bulkWriteResponse->getCreatedBy();
//Check if createdBy is not null
if($createdBy != null)
//Get the ID of the CreatedBy User
echo("Bulkread Created By User-ID: " . $createdBy->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Name of the CreatedBy User
echo("Bulkread Created By user-Name: " . $createdBy->getName() . "\n");
//Get the Operation of each BulkWriteResponse
echo("Bulkwrite Operation: " . $bulkWriteResponse->getOperation() . "\n");
//Get the CreatedTime of each BulkWriteResponse
echo("Bulkwrite File CreatedTime: ");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($responseWrapper instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $responseWrapper;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach($exception->getDetails() as $key => $value)
//Get each value in the map
echo($key . " : " . $value);
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\bulkwrite;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\FileBodyWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\BulkWriteOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\StreamWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\UploadFileHeader;
use com\zoho\crm\api\HeaderMap;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\RequestWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\CallBack;
use com\zoho\crm\api\util\Choice;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\Resource;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\FieldMapping;
use com\zoho\crm\api\bulkwrite\BulkWriteResponse;
class BulkWrite
* Download BulkWrite Result
* This method is used to download the result of the bulk write job as a CSV file.
* @param downloadUrl The URL present in the download_url parameter in the response of Get Bulk Write Job Details.
* @param destinationFolder The absolute path where downloaded file has to be stored.
* @throws Exception
public static function downloadBulkWriteResult(string $downloadUrl, string $destinationFolder)
//String downloadUrl = "";
//Get instance of BulkWriteOperations Class
$bulkWriteOperations = new BulkWriteOperations();
//Call downloadBulkWriteResult method that takes downloadUrl as parameters
$response = $bulkWriteOperations->downloadBulkWriteResult($downloadUrl);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
if(in_array($response->getStatusCode(), array(204, 304)))
echo($response->getStatusCode() == 204? "No Content\n" : "Not Modified\n");
//Get object from response
$responseHandler = $response->getObject();
if($responseHandler instanceof FileBodyWrapper)
//Get the received FileBodyWrapper instance
$fileBodyWrapper = $responseHandler;
//Get StreamWrapper instance from the returned FileBodyWrapper instance
$streamWrapper = $fileBodyWrapper->getFile();
//Create a file instance with the absolute_file_path
$fp = fopen($destinationFolder."/".$streamWrapper->getName(), "w");
//Get stream from the response
$stream = $streamWrapper->getStream();
fputs($fp, $stream);
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($responseHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $responseHandler;
if($exception->getStatus() != null)
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue());
if($exception->getCode() != null)
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue());
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach($exception->getDetails() as $key => $value)
//Get each value in the map
echo($key . ": " . $value);
if($exception->getMessage() != null)
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue());
if($exception->getXError() != null)
//Get the Message
echo("XError: " . $exception->getXError()->getValue());
if($exception->getXInfo() != null)
//Get the Message
echo("XInfo: " . $exception->getXInfo()->getValue());
if($exception->getHttpStatus() != null)
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getHttpStatus());