Serverless Functions - Types of Inputs
Table of Contents
The input for the function can be acquired in the following types:
Parameters are passed in URL of query string and the data passed in the post "form-data" section in an input. The "params" in the crmAPIRequest map contains these parameters which has all of the information that are passed in the request.
Sending parameters using POSTMAN, within the request URL:

Sending parameters using POSTMAN, as JSON objects in form-data:

Sending parameters using POSTMAN as keys in form-data:

Any parameters that map the arguments defined in the function, it is automatically synced.
To get the additional parameters used in the request:
crmAPIRequestMap = crmAPIRequest.toMap();
// to get the parameters of the request
parameters = crmAPIRequestMap.get("params");
Your Business Logic here
return crmAPIRequestMap;
- Please avoid using the name "arguments" as an argument within the function. As the name mismatch might lead to some arguments not functioning.
- Mapping of the arguments of the function is done automatically when passed through "parameters", ie. passed through the Query String(of the URL) or the form-data.
The "Body" of the request can be used to get the content that is passed as a stream to the request. Usually body is in use only when the request method is POST.
Sending body using POSTMAN as a stream (raw):

Sending body using POSTMAN as a binary file:

To get the entire body section of the request in a function:
crmAPIRequestMap = crmAPIRequest.toMap();
// to get the Body content of the request
request_body = crmAPIRequestMap.get("body");
Your Business Logic here
return crmAPIRequestMap;
In POSTMAN, the body content can be passed either in the raw or binary.
- If arguments of the function are passed through Stream, they will not mapped to the arguments of the function.
- In case you need to encode/decode the input data within the function, you can use the Encryption tasks available in Deluge.
File Content
If the content type of the request is Multipart, it will be considered as a file. You can get the file within the function in the request object.
The file types currently supported are the text files. In order to send the file to the function as a multipart data, send it under the argument name "inputFile".

To get the file uploaded to be used in the function:
crmAPIRequestMap = crmAPIRequest.toMap();
// to get the File content of the request
parameters = crmAPIRequestMap.get("file_content");
Your Business Logic here
return crmAPIRequestMap;
- If input for the function are given as a "file", the arguments in the file will not mapped to the arguments of the function.
The header of a request usually contains additional information about the request. The information that is available in header can be acquired in the "headers" key within the crmAPIRequest argument.
To get the headers of the request:
crmAPIRequestMap = crmAPIRequest.toMap();
// to get the user info of the request
header_request = crmAPIRequestMap.get("headers");
Your Business Logic here
return crmAPIRequestMap;
User Information
This key can be used to get the information about the user, as well as the organization of the user, who invokes the function using the OAuth2 method.
To get the info about the users:
crmAPIRequestMap = crmAPIRequest.toMap();
// to get the user info of the request
user_info = crmAPIRequestMap.get("user_info");
Your Business Logic here
return crmAPIRequestMap;
- If the function is called as the API key, the user info that you get would be the info of the super admin and not the one who invokes the function.
Authentication Type and Method
These 2 keys can be used to get the authentication information (apikey or oauth) and the HTTP method (GET/POST).
To get the info about the authentication type:
crmAPIRequestMap = crmAPIRequest.toMap();
// to get the HTTP method of the request
user_info = crmAPIRequestMap.get("method");
// to get the authentication type of the request
user_info = crmAPIRequestMap.get("auth_type");
Your Business Logic here
return crmAPIRequestMap;