Client Script Events
Table of Contents
1. What is an Event ?
2. Create/Clone/Edit Page Events
3. Detail Page (Canvas) Events
4. Create Page (Wizard) / Edit Page (Wizard) Events
5. List Page (Standard) Events
6. Detail Page (Standard) Events
7. Create/Clone/Edit Page (Canvas) Events
1. What is an Event ?
Events are user actions that occur in the Zoho CRM client. You can create Client Scripts which will get executed in response to these events. Client Script provides you a set of page and field events for the various pages in Zoho CRM. In addition to this, Client Script enables you to configure events for the custom buttons, text, icons, etc., on the canvas page. You can configure events for tags,mandatory fields form and blueprints on the canvas and standard detail page. You can define your own actions for the configured events.
The pages where the Client Scripts can be configured are Create page, Clone page, Edit page, List Page (Standard), Detail Page (Standard), Detail Page (Canvas), Create Page (Wizard) and Edit Page (Wizard) . Based on the page, events can be configured for the Client Script in Zoho CRM.
2. Create/Clone/Edit Page Events
The events for the create/clone/edit page can be either page event or field event.
1. Page Event - These are the events that occur on the create/clone/edit page of the selected module in Zoho CRM. A page event can be one of the below three types.
- onLoad - This event occurs when the create/clone/edit page gets loaded.
- onChange - This event occurs when you give or update values for any of the fields in the create/clone/edit page. For example, consider a Client Script configured for create page of Accounts module with onChange page event. The script runs whenever you enter values for any of the fields in Accounts(Account Owner, Account Name, Phone, etc) module.
- onSave - This event occurs when you save a record from create/clone/edit page using the Save or Save and New button.
- A single Client Script with page onChange event can be used when Client Scripts are required for multiple fields on the same page.
- Add the "return false" statement at the end of onSave event type script, to prevent the record from getting saved.
- onChange - This event occurs when you enter or update value for a particular field and move to another field or click outside the field on the create/clone/edit page of the selected module. For example, consider a Client Script configured for create page of Accounts module with onChange field event on the field Phone. The script runs only when the user enters value for the field Phone and moves to the another field in create page.
- onType - This event occurs when you type any value in a particular field on the create/clone/edit page of the selected module. For example, consider a Client Script configured for create page of Contact module with onType field event for the field email. The script runs once the user types in a value for the field email in create page.
onChange vs onType:
When you use onType event, the script will be triggered as soon as you type value in a field. Whereas if you use onChange event , the script will be triggered only when you click outside that field or move to the another field.
- Supported Field Types
- Single Line
- Multi-Line
- Phone
- Pick List
- Date
- Number
- Currency
- Decimal
- Percent
- Long Integer
- Checkbox
- Lookup
- Owner Lookup
- Unsupported Fields
- Salutation
- Adjustment
- Discount
3. Subform Event
- onRowAdd - This event occurs whenever a new row gets added to the subform.
- onCellChange - This event occurs whenever you update any value in a subform row.
- onRowDelete - This event occurs after the subform row gets deleted.
- onBeforeRowDelete - This event occurs after clicking the delete icon but before that subform row gets deleted. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting deleted.
If you want the Client Script to run for a particular layout in a module, select that layout while specifying the event details.
3. Detail Page (Canvas) Events
Below are the types of events available for Detail Page (Canvas).
- onLoad - This event occurs when the canvas page gets loaded.
- onBeforeUpdate - This event occurs on the click of the tick icon after you edit or update a particular field. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the value from getting saved.
Supported Field Types
- Single Line
- Multi-Line
- Phone
- Pick List
- Date
- Number
- Currency
- Decimal
- Percent
- Long Integer
- Checkbox
- Lookup
- Owner Lookup
Unsupported Fields
- Reporting To
- Currency
- Probability
- Pricing Model
- Wizard
- Territory Updated Time
3. Mandatory Fields Form Event
- onBeforeMandatoryFormSave - This event occurs on the click of save button of the mandatory fields form before saving the values.
- onMandatoryFormLoad - This event occurs when the mandatory fields form pop-up appears on the screen.
You can set mandatory fields based on a condition using Layout Rules. When there is an inline edit on the canvas page which satisfies the layout rule, a form will pop-up to get the values for the mandatory fields. This form is called as the Mandatory fields form.
- beforeTransition - This event occurs before the transition states of a Blueprint, as per the process flow designed in the blueprint. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the blueprint transition.
- onTagChanged - This event occurs on the click of save button of Add tags.
- onClick - This event occurs on the click of canvas button.
- onClick - This event occurs on the click of canvas icon.
- onClick - This event occurs on the click of canvas text.
9. Subform Event
- onRowAdd - This event occurs whenever a new row gets added to the subform.
- onCellChange - This event occurs whenever you update any value in a subform row.
- onRowDelete - This event occurs after the subform row gets deleted.
- onBeforeRowDelete - This event occurs after clicking the delete icon but before that subform row gets deleted. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting deleted.
- onBeforeRowUpdate - This event occurs after you click tick icon while updating the row. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting updated.
4. Create Page (Wizard) / Edit Page (Wizard) Events
Below are the types of events available for Create Page (Wizard) and Edit Page (Wizard).
- onLoad - This event occurs whenever the Client Script configured wizard is loaded.
- onChange - This event occurs whenever any field's value is changed in the Client Script configured wizard.
- onBeforeSave - This event occurs whenever you click the save button in the Client Script configured wizard. You can prevent the save action by returning false in the script.
- onTransition - This event will be triggered whenever the transition happens i.e when you move from one screen to another in the Client Script configured wizard.
- onBeforeTransition - This event will be triggered before you make a transition in the Client Script configured wizard. You can prevent the transition by returning false in the script.
- onChange - This event occurs when you change a particular field's value in the Client Script configured wizard.
- onType - This event occurs when you type any value in a particular field. For example, consider a Client Script configured for Create Page (Wizard) of Contacts module with onType field event for the field email. The script runs once the user types in a value for the field email.
3. Subform Event
- onRowAdd - This event occurs whenever a new row gets added to the subform.
- onCellChange - This event occurs whenever you update any value in a subform row.
- onRowDelete - This event occurs after the subform row gets deleted.
- onBeforeRowDelete - This event occurs after clicking the delete icon but before that subform row gets deleted. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting deleted.
5. List Page (Standard) Events
Below are the types of events available for List Page(Standard).
onCustomViewLoad - This event occurs when custom view of the List Page(Standard) is loaded. For example, consider that you have created a custom view for all Accounts of Account type vendor. The script will run whenever this custom view loads.
onBeforeCustomViewChange - This event occurs before you make any change in custom view of the List Page(Standard). For example, consider that you have created a custom view for all Accounts of Account type vendor. The script will run whenever you try to do any change to this custom view.
6. Detail Page (Standard) Events
Below are the types of events available for Detail Page (Standard).
- onLoad - This event occurs when the detail page gets loaded.
- onBeforeUpdate - This event occurs on the click of the tick icon after you edit or update a particular field. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the value from getting saved.
Supported Field Types
- Single Line
- Multi-Line
- Phone
- Pick List
- Date
- Number
- Currency
- Decimal
- Percent
- Long Integer
- Checkbox
- Lookup
- Owner Lookup
Unsupported Fields
- Reporting To
- Currency
- Probability
- Pricing Model
- Wizard
- Territory Updated Time
3. Mandatory Fields Form Event
- onBeforeMandatoryFormSave - This event occurs on the click of save button of the mandatory fields form before saving the values.
- onMandatoryFormLoad - This event occurs when the mandatory fields form pop-up appears on the screen.
You can set mandatory fields based on a condition using Layout Rules. When there is an inline edit on the detail page which satisfies the layout rule, a form will pop-up to get the values for the mandatory fields. This form is called as the Mandatory fields form.
- beforeTransition - This event occurs before the transition states of a Blueprint, as per the process flow designed in the blueprint. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the blueprint transition.
- onTagChanged - This event occurs on the click of save button of Add tags.
6. Subform Event
- onRowAdd - This event occurs whenever a new row gets added to the subform.
- onCellChange - This event occurs whenever you update any value in a subform row.
- onRowDelete - This event occurs after the subform row gets deleted.
- onBeforeRowDelete - This event occurs after clicking the delete icon but before that subform row gets deleted. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting deleted.
- onBeforeRowUpdate - This event occurs after you click tick icon while updating the row. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting updated.
7. Create/Clone/Edit Page (Canvas) Events
Below are the types of events available for Canvas Record Forms. These events are applicable for Create Page (Canvas), Clone Page (Canvas) and Edit Page(Canvas).
- onLoad - This event occurs when the page gets loaded.
onChange - This event occurs when you add or update values for any of the fields. For example, consider a Client Script configured for Create Page(Canvas) of Accounts module with onChange page event. The script runs whenever you enter values for any of the fields in Accounts(Account Owner, Account Name, Phone, etc) module.
onSave - This event occurs when you save the record using the Save or Save and New button.
- onChange - This event occurs when you add or update value for a particular field and move to another field or click outside the field on the page of the selected module. For example, consider a Client Script configured for Create Page (Canvas) of Accounts module with onChange field event on the field Phone. The script runs only when the user enters value for the field Phone and moves to the another field in that page.
- onType - This event occurs when you type any value in a particular field. For example, consider a Client Script configured for Create Page (Canvas) of Contact module with onType field event for the field email. The script runs once the user types in a value for the field email in create page.
3. Mandatory Fields Form Event
- onMandatoryFormLoad - This event occurs when the mandatory fields form pop-up appears on the screen.
- onClick - This event occurs on the click of canvas button.
- onClick - This event occurs on the click of canvas icon.
- onClick - This event occurs on the click of canvas text.
7. Subform Event
- onRowAdd - This event occurs whenever a new row gets added to the subform.
- onCellChange - This event occurs whenever you update any value in a subform row.
- onRowDelete - This event occurs after the subform row gets deleted.
- onBeforeRowDelete - This event occurs after clicking the delete icon but before that subform row gets deleted. Add the "return false" statement at the end of the script, to prevent the row from getting deleted.