C# SDK Samples - Bulk Write Operations
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Users;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Util;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using static Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.BulkWriteOperations;
using ActionResponse = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ActionResponse;
using APIException = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.APIException;
using File = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.File;
using RequestWrapper = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.RequestWrapper;
using ResponseHandler = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ResponseHandler;
using ResponseWrapper = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ResponseWrapper;
using SuccessResponse = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.SuccessResponse;
namespace Com.Zoho.Crm.Sample.BulkWrite
public class BulkWrite
/// This method is used to upload a CSV file in ZIP format for bulk write API. The response contains the file_id.
/// Use this ID while making the bulk write request.
/// The unique ID (zgid) of your organization obtained through the Organization API.
/// The absoluteFilePath of the zip file you want to upload.
public static void UploadFile(string orgID, string absoluteFilePath)
//string absoluteFilePath = "/Users/user_name/Documents/Leads.zip";
//string orgID = "673573045";
//Get instance of BulkWriteOperations Class
BulkWriteOperations bulkWriteOperations = new BulkWriteOperations();
//Get instance of FileBodyWrapper class that will contain the request file
FileBodyWrapper fileBodyWrapper = new FileBodyWrapper();
//Get instance of StreamWrapper class that takes absolute path of the file to be attached as parameter
StreamWrapper streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(absoluteFilePath);
//FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(absoluteFilePath);
//Get instance of StreamWrapper class that takes file name and stream of the file to be attached as parameter
//StreamWrapper streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.OpenRead());
//Set file to the FileBodyWrapper instance
fileBodyWrapper.File = streamWrapper;
//Get instance of HeaderMap Class
HeaderMap headerInstance = new HeaderMap();
//To indicate that this a bulk write operation
headerInstance.Add(UploadFileHeader.FEATURE, "bulk-write");
headerInstance.Add(UploadFileHeader.X_CRM_ORG, orgID);
//Call uploadFile method that takes FileBodyWrapper instance and headerInstance as parameter
APIResponse<ActionResponse> response = bulkWriteOperations.UploadFile(fileBodyWrapper, headerInstance);
if(response != null)
//Get the status code from response
Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
//Check if expected response is received
//Get object from response
ActionResponse actionResponse = response.Object;
//Check if the request is successful
if(actionResponse is SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
SuccessResponse successResponse = (SuccessResponse)actionResponse;
//Get the Status
Console.WriteLine("Status: " + successResponse.Status.Value);
//Get the Code
Console.WriteLine("Code: " + successResponse.Code.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in successResponse.Details)
//Get each value in the map
Console.WriteLine(entry.Key + " : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value));
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + successResponse.Message.Value);
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if(actionResponse is APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
APIException exception = (APIException) actionResponse;
if(exception.Status != null)
//Get the Status
Console.WriteLine("Status: " + exception.Status.Value);
if(exception.Code != null)
//Get the Code
Console.WriteLine("Code: " + exception.Code.Value);
if(exception.Message != null)
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + exception.Message.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Details: " );
if(exception.Details != null)
//Get the details map
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in exception.Details)
//Get each value in the map
Console.WriteLine(entry.Key + ": " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value));
if(exception.ErrorMessage != null)
//Get the ErrorMessage
Console.WriteLine("ErrorMessage: " + exception.ErrorMessage.Value);
//Get the ErrorCode
Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode: " + exception.ErrorCode);
if(exception.XError != null)
//Get the XError
Console.WriteLine("XError: " + exception.XError.Value);
if(exception.Info != null)
//Get the Info
Console.WriteLine("Info: " + exception.Info.Value);
if(exception.XInfo != null)
//Get the XInfo
Console.WriteLine("XInfo: " + exception.XInfo.Value);
//Get the HttpStatus
Console.WriteLine("HttpStatus: " + exception.HttpStatus);
{ //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
Model responseObject = response.Model;
//Get the response object's class
Type type = responseObject.GetType();
//Get all declared fields of the response class
Console.WriteLine("Type is: {0}", type.Name);
PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties();
Console.WriteLine("Properties (N = {0}):", props.Length);
foreach (var prop in props)
if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) : {2}", prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name, prop.GetValue(responseObject));
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) : <Indexed>", prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Users;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Util;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using static Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.BulkWriteOperations;
using ActionResponse = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ActionResponse;
using APIException = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.APIException;
using File = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.File;
using RequestWrapper = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.RequestWrapper;
using ResponseHandler = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ResponseHandler;
using ResponseWrapper = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ResponseWrapper;
using SuccessResponse = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.SuccessResponse;
namespace Com.Zoho.Crm.Sample.BulkWrite
public class BulkWrite
/// This method is used to create a bulk write job.
/// The API Name of the record's module.
/// The ID of the uploaded file to create BulkWrite Job.
public static void CreateBulkWriteJob(string moduleAPIName, string fileId)
//string moduleAPIName = "Leads";
//string fileId = "34770616121001";
//Get instance of BulkWriteOperations Class
BulkWriteOperations bulkWriteOperations = new BulkWriteOperations();
//Get instance of RequestWrapper Class that will contain the request body
RequestWrapper requestWrapper = new RequestWrapper();
//Get instance of CallBack Class
CallBack callback = new CallBack();
// To set valid callback URL.
callback.Url = "https://www.example.com/callback";
//To set the HTTP method of the callback URL. The allowed value is post.
callback.Method = new Choice<string>("post");
//The Bulk Write Job's details are posted to this URL on successful completion of job or on failure of job.
requestWrapper.Callback = callback;
//To set the charset of the uploaded file
requestWrapper.CharacterEncoding = "UTF-8";
//To set the type of operation you want to perform on the bulk write job.
requestWrapper.Operation = new Choice<string>("update");
List<Resource> resource = new List<Resource>();
//Get instance of Resource Class
Resource resourceIns = new Resource();
// To set the type of module that you want to import. The value is data.
resourceIns.Type = new Choice<string>("data");
//To set API name of the module that you select for bulk write job.
resourceIns.Module = moduleAPIName;
//To set the file_id obtained from file upload API.
resourceIns.FileId = fileId;
//True - Ignores the empty values.The default value is false.
resourceIns.IgnoreEmpty = true;
// To set a field as a unique field or ID of a record.
resourceIns.FindBy = "Email";
List<FieldMapping> fieldMappings = new List<FieldMapping>();
FieldMapping fieldMapping;
//Get instance of FieldMapping Class
fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
//To set API name of the field present in Zoho module object that you want to import.
fieldMapping.APIName = "Last_Name";
//To set the column index of the field you want to map to the CRM field.
fieldMapping.Index = 0;
fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
fieldMapping.APIName = "Email";
fieldMapping.Index = 1;
fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
fieldMapping.APIName = "Company";
fieldMapping.Index = 2;
fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
fieldMapping.APIName = "Phone";
fieldMapping.Index = 3;
fieldMapping = new FieldMapping();
fieldMapping.APIName = "Website";
//fieldMapping.Format = "";
//fieldMapping.FindBy = "";
Dictionary<string, object> defaultValue = new Dictionary<string, object>();
defaultValue.Add("value", "https://www.zohoapis.com");
//To set the default value for an empty column in the uploaded file.
fieldMapping.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
resourceIns.FieldMappings = fieldMappings;
requestWrapper.Resource = resource;
//Call CreateBulkWriteJob method that takes RequestWrapper instance as parameter
APIResponse<ActionResponse> response = bulkWriteOperations.CreateBulkWriteJob(requestWrapper);
if(response != null)
//Get the status code from response
Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
//Check if expected response is received
//Get object from response
ActionResponse actionResponse = response.Object;
//Check if the request is successful
if(actionResponse is SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
SuccessResponse successResponse = (SuccessResponse)actionResponse;
//Get the Status
Console.WriteLine("Status: " + successResponse.Status.Value);
//Get the Code
Console.WriteLine("Code: " + successResponse.Code.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in successResponse.Details)
//Get each value in the map
Console.WriteLine(entry.Key + " : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value));
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + successResponse.Message.Value);
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if(actionResponse is APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
APIException exception = (APIException) actionResponse;
//Get the Status
Console.WriteLine("Status: " + exception.Status.Value);
//Get the Code
Console.WriteLine("Code: " + exception.Code.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in exception.Details)
//Get each value in the map
Console.WriteLine(entry.Key + " : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value));
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + exception.Message.Value);
{ //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
Model responseObject = response.Model;
//Get the response object's class
Type type = responseObject.GetType();
//Get all declared fields of the response class
Console.WriteLine("Type is: {0}", type.Name);
PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties();
Console.WriteLine("Properties (N = {0}):", props.Length);
foreach (var prop in props)
if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) : {2}", prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name, prop.GetValue(responseObject));
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) : <Indexed>", prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Users;
using Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Util;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using static Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.BulkWriteOperations;
using ActionResponse = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ActionResponse;
using APIException = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.APIException;
using File = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.File;
using RequestWrapper = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.RequestWrapper;
using ResponseHandler = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ResponseHandler;
using ResponseWrapper = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.ResponseWrapper;
using SuccessResponse = Com.Zoho.Crm.API.BulkWrite.SuccessResponse;
namespace Com.Zoho.Crm.Sample.BulkWrite
public class BulkWrite
/// This method is used to download the result of the bulk write job as a CSV file.
/// The URL present in the download_url parameter in the response of Get Bulk Write Job Details.
/// The absolute path where downloaded file has to be stored.
public static void DownloadBulkWriteResult(string downloadUrl, string destinationFolder)
//string downloadUrl = "https://download-accl.zoho.com/v2/crm/6735/bulk-write/347706122009/347706122009.zip";
//string destinationFolder = "/Users/user_name/Documents";
//Get instance of BulkWriteOperations Class
BulkWriteOperations bulkWriteOperations = new BulkWriteOperations();
//Call DownloadBulkWriteResult method that takes downloadUrl as parameter
APIResponse<ResponseHandler> response = bulkWriteOperations.DownloadBulkWriteResult(downloadUrl);
if(response != null)
//Get the status code from response
Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
if(new List<int>() { 204, 304 }.Contains(response.StatusCode))
Console.WriteLine(response.StatusCode == 204? "No Content" : "Not Modified");
//Check if expected response is received
//Get object from response
ResponseHandler responseHandler = response.Object;
if(responseHandler is FileBodyWrapper)
//Get object from response
FileBodyWrapper fileBodyWrapper = (FileBodyWrapper)responseHandler;
//Get StreamWrapper instance from the returned FileBodyWrapper instance
StreamWrapper streamWrapper = fileBodyWrapper.File;
Stream file = streamWrapper.Stream;
string fullFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationFolder, streamWrapper.Name);
using (FileStream outputFileStream = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.Create))
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if(responseHandler is APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
APIException exception = (APIException) responseHandler;
if(exception.Status != null)
//Get the Status
Console.WriteLine("Status: " + exception.Status.Value);
if(exception.Code != null)
//Get the Code
Console.WriteLine("Code: " + exception.Code.Value);
if(exception.Details != null)
Console.WriteLine("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in exception.Details)
//Get each value in the map
Console.WriteLine(entry.Key + " : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value));
if(exception.Message != null)
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + exception.Message.Value);
if(exception.XError != null)
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("XError: " + exception.XError.Value);
if(exception.XInfo != null)
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("XInfo: " + exception.XInfo.Value);
if(exception.HttpStatus != null)
//Get the Message
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + exception.HttpStatus);
{ //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
Model responseObject = response.Model;
//Get the response object's class
Type type = responseObject.GetType();
//Get all declared fields of the response class
Console.WriteLine("Type is: {0}", type.Name);
PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties();
Console.WriteLine("Properties (N = {0}):", props.Length);
foreach (var prop in props)
if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) : {2}", prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name, prop.GetValue(responseObject));
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) : <Indexed>", prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name);