Scala SDK Samples - Organization Operations
Get Organization Details
package com.zoho.crm.sample.organization
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.util
import{APIException, ActionResponse, FileBodyWrapper, LicenseDetails, OrgOperations, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, SuccessResponse}
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.StreamWrapper
object Organization {
* Get Organization
* This method is used to get the organization data and print the response.
* @throws Exception
def getOrganization(): Unit = { //Get instance of OrgOperations Class
val orgOperations = new OrgOperations
//Call getOrganization method
val responseOption = orgOperations.getOrganization
if (responseOption.isDefined ) { //Check response
val response=responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
//Check if expected response is received
if (response.isExpected) { //Get object from response
val responseHandler = response.getObject
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]) { //Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
val responseWrapper = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[ResponseWrapper]
//Get the list of obtained Org instances
val orgs = responseWrapper.getOrg
for (org <- orgs) { //Get the Country of each Organization
println("Organization Country: " + org.getCountry)
//Get the PhotoId of each Organization
println("Organization PhotoId: " + org.getPhotoId)
//Get the City of each Organization
println("Organization City: " + org.getCity)
//Get the Description of each Organization
println("Organization Description: " + org.getDescription)
//Get the McStatus of each Organization
println("Organization McStatus: " + org.getMcStatus.toString)
//Get the GappsEnabled of each Organization
println("Organization GappsEnabled: " + org.getGappsEnabled.toString)
//Get the DomainName of each Organization
println("Organization DomainName: " + org.getDomainName)
//Get the TranslationEnabled of each Organization
println("Organization TranslationEnabled: " + org.getTranslationEnabled.toString)
//Get the Street of each Organization
println("Organization Street: " + org.getStreet)
//Get the Alias of each Organization
println("Organization Alias: " + org.getAlias)
//Get the Currency of each Organization
println("Organization Currency: " + org.getCurrency)
//Get the Id of each Organization
println("Organization Id: " + org.getId)
//Get the State of each Organization
println("Organization State: " + org.getState)
//Get the Fax of each Organization
println("Organization Fax: " + org.getFax)
//Get the EmployeeCount of each Organization
println("Organization EmployeeCount: " + org.getEmployeeCount)
//Get the Zip of each Organization
println("Organization Zip: " + org.getZip)
//Get the Website of each Organization
println("Organization Website: " + org.getWebsite)
//Get the CurrencySymbol of each Organization
println("Organization CurrencySymbol: " + org.getCurrencySymbol)
//Get the Mobile of each Organization
println("Organization Mobile: " + org.getMobile)
//Get the CurrencyLocale of each Organization
println("Organization CurrencyLocale: " + org.getCurrencyLocale)
//Get the PrimaryZuid of each Organization
println("Organization PrimaryZuid: " + org.getPrimaryZuid)
//Get the ZiaPortalId of each Organization
println("Organization ZiaPortalId: " + org.getZiaPortalId)
//Get the TimeZone of each Organization
println("Organization TimeZone: " + org.getTimeZone)
//Get the Zgid of each Organization
println("Organization Zgid: " + org.getZgid)
//Get the CountryCode of each Organization
println("Organization CountryCode: " + org.getCountryCode)
//Get the Object obtained LicenseDetails instance
val licenseDetailsOption = org.getLicenseDetails
//Check if licenseDetails is not null
if (licenseDetailsOption.isDefined) { //Get the PaidExpiry of each LicenseDetails
val licenseDetails =licenseDetailsOption.get
println("Organization LicenseDetails PaidExpiry: " + licenseDetails.getPaidExpiry)
//Get the UsersLicensePurchased of each LicenseDetails
println("Organization LicenseDetails UsersLicensePurchased: " + licenseDetails.getUsersLicensePurchased.toString)
//Get the TrialType of each LicenseDetails
println("Organization LicenseDetails TrialType: " + licenseDetails.getTrialType)
//Get the TrialExpiry of each LicenseDetails
println("Organization LicenseDetails TrialExpiry: " + licenseDetails.getTrialExpiry)
//Get the Paid of each LicenseDetails
println("Organization LicenseDetails Paid: " + licenseDetails.getPaid.toString)
//Get the PaidType of each LicenseDetails
println("Organization LicenseDetails PaidType: " + licenseDetails.getPaidType)
//Get the Phone of each Organization
println("Organization Phone: " + org.getPhone)
//Get the CompanyName of each Organization
println("Organization CompanyName: " + org.getCompanyName)
//Get the PrivacySettings of each Organization
println("Organization PrivacySettings: " + org.getPrivacySettings.toString)
//Get the PrimaryEmail of each Organization
println("Organization PrimaryEmail: " + org.getPrimaryEmail)
//Get the IsoCode of each Organization
println("Organization IsoCode: " + org.getIsoCode)
else { //Check if the request returned an exception
if (responseHandler.isInstanceOf[APIException]) { //Get the received APIException instance
val exception = responseHandler.asInstanceOf[APIException]
//Get the Status
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
//Get the Code
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
//Get the details map
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
//Get the Message
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else { //If response is not as expected
//Get model object from response
val responseObject = response.getModel
//Get the response object's class
val clas = responseObject.getClass
//Get all declared fields of the response class
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) { //Get each value
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))
class Organization {}
Upload Organization Photo
package com.zoho.crm.sample.organization
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.util
import{APIException, ActionResponse, FileBodyWrapper, LicenseDetails, OrgOperations, ResponseHandler, ResponseWrapper, SuccessResponse}
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.APIResponse
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.Model
import com.zoho.crm.api.util.StreamWrapper
object Organization {
* Upload Organization Photo
* This method is used to upload the brand logo or image of the organization and print the response.
* @param absoluteFilePath - The absolute file path of the file to be attached
* @throws Exception
def uploadOrganizationPhoto(absoluteFilePath: String): Unit = { //example
//String absoluteFilePath = "/Users/user_name/Desktop/download4.png"
val orgOperations = new OrgOperations
//Get instance of FileBodyWrapper class that will contain the request file
val fileBodyWrapper = new FileBodyWrapper
//Get instance of StreamWrapper class that takes absolute path of the file to be attached as parameter
val streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(absoluteFilePath)
//Set file to the FileBodyWrapper instance
//Call uploadOrganizationPhoto method that takes FileBodyWrapper instance
val responseOption = orgOperations.uploadOrganizationPhoto(fileBodyWrapper)
if (responseOption.isDefined ) { //Check response
val response=responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (response.isExpected) {
val actionResponse = response.getObject
//Check if the request is successful
if (actionResponse.isInstanceOf[SuccessResponse]) { //Get the received SuccessResponse instance
val successResponse = actionResponse.asInstanceOf[SuccessResponse]
println("Status: " + successResponse.getStatus.getValue)
println("Code: " + successResponse.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
if (successResponse.getDetails != null) {
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
println("Message: " + successResponse.getMessage.getValue)
else if (actionResponse.isInstanceOf[APIException]) {
val exception = actionResponse.asInstanceOf[APIException]
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
if (exception.getDetails != null) {
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
else {
val responseObject = response.getModel
val clas = responseObject.getClass
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) {
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))
class Organization {}