Scala SDK Samples - Field Attachment Operations
Get Field Attachments
package com.zoho.crm.sample.fieldattachments
import java.util
import{File, FileOutputStream}
import com.zoho.crm.api.fieldattachments.FieldAttachmentsOperations
import com.zoho.crm.api.fieldattachments.APIException
import com.zoho.crm.api.fieldattachments.FileBodyWrapper
object FieldAttachments {
* Get FieldAttachments
* This method is used to get Field Attachments
* @param moduleAPIname The module name of the Module
* @param recordId The record Id of the record
* @param attachmentID The attachment ID of the attachment
* @throws Exception
def getFieldAttachments(destinationFolder: String, moduleAPIname: String, recordId: Long, attachmentID: Long): Unit = {
//Get instance of FileOperations Class
val fieldAttachmentsOperations = new FieldAttachmentsOperations(moduleAPIname, recordId, Option(attachmentID))
//Call getFile method that takes paramInstance as parameters
val responseOption = fieldAttachmentsOperations.getFieldAttachments()
if (responseOption.isDefined) { //check response
var response = responseOption.get
println("Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode)
if (util.Arrays.asList(204, 304).contains(response.getStatusCode)) {
println(if (response.getStatusCode == 204) "No Content"
else "Not Modified")
//Check if expected response is received
if (response.isExpected) {
val responseHandler = response.getObject
responseHandler match {
case fileBodyWrapper: FileBodyWrapper =>
//Get StreamWrapper instance from the returned FileBodyWrapper instance
val streamWrapper = fileBodyWrapper.getFile.get
//Create a file instance with the absolute_file_path
val file = new File(destinationFolder + + streamWrapper.getName.get)
//Get InputStream from the response
val is = streamWrapper.getStream.get
//Create an OutputStream for the destination file
val os = new FileOutputStream(file)
val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024)
var bytesRead: Integer = 0
//read the InputStream till the end
while ( {
bytesRead =
bytesRead != -1
}) { //write data to OutputStream
os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead)
//Close the InputStream
//Flush and close the OutputStream
case exception: APIException =>
println("Status: " + exception.getStatus.getValue)
println("Code: " + exception.getCode.getValue)
println("Details: ")
exception.getDetails.foreach(entry => {
println(entry._1 + ": " + entry._2)
println("Message: " + exception.getMessage.getValue)
case _ =>
else if (response.getStatusCode != 204) {
val responseObject = response.getModel
val clas = responseObject.getClass
val fields = clas.getDeclaredFields
for (field <- fields) {
println(field.getName + ":" + field.get(responseObject))