PHP SDK Samples - Pipeline Operations
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\pipeline;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PipelineOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferAndDeleteWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PickListValue;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferStructure;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\Stage;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferPipeLine;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferActionWrapper;
class PipeLine
public static function getPipelines($layoutId)
//Get instance of PipelineOperations Class
$pipelineOperations = new PipelineOperations($layoutId);
//Call getPipelines method
$response = $pipelineOperations->getPipelines();
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
if(in_array($response->getStatusCode(), array(204, 304)))
echo($response->getStatusCode() == 204? "No Content\n" : "Not Modified\n");
//Get object from response
$responseHandler = $response->getObject();
if($responseHandler instanceof ResponseWrapper)
//Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
$responseWrapper = $responseHandler;
//Get the list of obtained Pipeline instances
$pipelines = $responseWrapper->getPipeline();
foreach($pipelines as $pipeline)
//Get the DisplayValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline DisplayValue: " . $pipeline->getDisplayValue() . "\n");
//Get the Default of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Default: "); print_r($pipeline->getDefault()); echo("\n");
$maps = $pipeline->getMaps();
if($maps != null)
foreach($maps as $map)
//Get the Maps DisplayValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps DisplayValue: " . $map->getDisplayValue() . "\n");
//Get the Maps SequenceNumber of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps SequenceNumber: " . $map->getSequenceNumber() . "\n");
$forecastCategory = $map->getForecastCategory();
if($forecastCategory != null)
//Get the Maps ForecastCategory Name of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ForecastCategory Name: " . $forecastCategory->getName() . "\n");
//Get the Maps ForecastCategory Id of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ForecastCategory Id: " . $forecastCategory->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Maps ActualValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ActualValue: " . $map->getActualValue() . "\n");
//Get the Maps Id of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps Id: " . $map->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Maps ForecastType of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ForecastType: " . $map->getForecastType() . "\n");
//Get the ActualValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ActualValue: " . $pipeline->getActualValue() . "\n");
//Get the Id of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Id: " . $pipeline->getId() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($responseHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $responseHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue());
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue());
echo("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach($exception->getDetails() as $key => $value)
//Get each value in the map
echo($key . ": " . $value);
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue());
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\pipeline;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PipelineOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferAndDeleteWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PickListValue;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferStructure;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\Stage;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferPipeLine;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferActionWrapper;
class PipeLine
public static function createPipelines($layoutId)
//Get instance of PipelineOperations Class
$pipelineOperations = new PipelineOperations($layoutId);
$pipelineClass = "com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\pipeline\\PipeLine";
$pipeline = new $pipelineClass();
$pickList = new PickListValue();
$bodyWrapper = "com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\pipeline\\BodyWrapper";
$body = new $bodyWrapper();
//Call createPipelines method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
$response = $pipelineOperations->createPipelines($body);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code" . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionHandler = $response->getObject();
if($actionHandler instanceof ActionWrapper)
//Get the received ActionWrapper instance
$actionWrapper = $actionHandler;
//Get the list of obtained action responses
$actionResponses = $actionWrapper->getPipeline();
foreach ($actionResponses as $actionResponse)
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($successResponse->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($successResponse->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\pipeline;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PipelineOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferAndDeleteWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PickListValue;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferStructure;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\Stage;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferPipeLine;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferActionWrapper;
class PipeLine
public static function updatePipelines($layoutId)
//Get instance of PipelineOperations Class
$pipelineOperations = new PipelineOperations($layoutId);
$pipelineClass = "com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\pipeline\\PipeLine";
$pipeline = new $pipelineClass();
$pipeline->setDisplayValue("Closed Won");
$pickList = new PickListValue();
$bodyWrapper = "com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\pipeline\\BodyWrapper";
$body = new $bodyWrapper();
//Call createPipelines method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
$response = $pipelineOperations->updatePipelines($body);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code" . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionHandler = $response->getObject();
if($actionHandler instanceof ActionWrapper)
//Get the received ActionWrapper instance
$actionWrapper = $actionHandler;
//Get the list of obtained action responses
$actionResponses = $actionWrapper->getPipeline();
foreach ($actionResponses as $actionResponse)
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($successResponse->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($successResponse->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\pipeline;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PipelineOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferAndDeleteWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PickListValue;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferStructure;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\Stage;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferPipeLine;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferActionWrapper;
class PipeLine
public static function getPipeline($layoutId, $pipelineId)
//Get instance of PipelineOperations Class
$pipelineOperations = new PipelineOperations($layoutId);
//Call getPipeline method
$response = $pipelineOperations->getPipeline($pipelineId);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
if(in_array($response->getStatusCode(), array(204, 304)))
echo($response->getStatusCode() == 204? "No Content\n" : "Not Modified\n");
//Get object from response
$responseHandler = $response->getObject();
if($responseHandler instanceof ResponseWrapper)
//Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
$responseWrapper = $responseHandler;
//Get the list of obtained Pipeline instances
$pipelines = $responseWrapper->getPipeline();
foreach($pipelines as $pipeline)
//Get the DisplayValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline DisplayValue: " . $pipeline->getDisplayValue() . "\n");
//Get the Default of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Default: "); print_r($pipeline->getDefault()); echo("\n");
$maps = $pipeline->getMaps();
if($maps != null)
foreach($maps as $map)
//Get the Maps DisplayValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps DisplayValue: " . $map->getDisplayValue() . "\n");
echo("PickListValue Sequence Number" . $map->getSequenceNumber());
//Get the Maps SequenceNumber of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps SequenceNumber: " . $map->getSequenceNumber() . "\n");
$forecastCategory = $map->getForecastCategory();
if($forecastCategory != null)
//Get the Maps ForecastCategory Name of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ForecastCategory Name: " . $forecastCategory->getName() . "\n");
//Get the Maps ForecastCategory Id of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ForecastCategory Id: " . $forecastCategory->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Maps ActualValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ActualValue: " . $map->getActualValue() . "\n");
//Get the Maps Id of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps Id: " . $map->getId() . "\n");
//Get the Maps ForecastType of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ForecastType: " . $map->getForecastType() . "\n");
//Get PickListValue delete
echo("PickListValue delete" . $map->getDelete());
//Get the ActualValue of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Maps ActualValue: " . $pipeline->getActualValue() . "\n");
//Get the Id of each Pipeline
echo("Pipeline Id: " . $pipeline->getId() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($responseHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $responseHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue());
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue());
echo("Details: " );
//Get the details map
foreach($exception->getDetails() as $key => $value)
//Get each value in the map
echo($key . ": " . $value);
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue());
namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\pipeline;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PipelineOperations;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferAndDeleteWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\PickListValue;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferStructure;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\Stage;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferPipeLine;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ActionWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\SuccessResponse;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\APIException;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\ResponseWrapper;
use com\zoho\crm\api\pipeline\TransferActionWrapper;
class PipeLine
public static function updatePipeline($layoutId, $pipelineId)
//Get instance of PipelineOperations Class
$pipelineOperations = new PipelineOperations($layoutId);
$pipelineClass = "com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\pipeline\\PipeLine";
$pipeline = new $pipelineClass();
$pickList = new PickListValue();
$bodyWrapper = "com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\pipeline\\BodyWrapper";
$body = new $bodyWrapper();
//Call updatePipeline method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
$response = $pipelineOperations->updatePipeline($pipelineId, $body);
if($response != null)
//Get the status code from response
echo("Status code" . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");
//Get object from response
$actionHandler = $response->getObject();
if($actionHandler instanceof ActionWrapper)
//Get the received ActionWrapper instance
$actionWrapper = $actionHandler;
//Get the list of obtained action responses
$actionResponses = $actionWrapper->getPipeline();
foreach ($actionResponses as $actionResponse)
//Check if the request is successful
if($actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse)
//Get the received SuccessResponse instance
$successResponse = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $successResponse->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $successResponse->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($successResponse->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($successResponse->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $successResponse->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionResponse instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionResponse;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
echo("Details: " );
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");
//Check if the request returned an exception
else if($actionHandler instanceof APIException)
//Get the received APIException instance
$exception = $actionHandler;
//Get the Status
echo("Status: " . $exception->getStatus()->getValue() . "\n");
//Get the Code
echo("Code: " . $exception->getCode()->getValue() . "\n");
if($exception->getDetails() != null)
echo("Details: \n");
//Get the details map
foreach ($exception->getDetails() as $keyName => $keyValue)
//Get each value in the map
echo($keyName . ": " . $keyValue . "\n");
//Get the Message
echo("Message: " . $exception->getMessage()->getValue() . "\n");