• How to add a Project in Apptics web console?

    Only Portal admin can add Projects in the Apptics web console. You can find the detailed steps in our User guide. 

  • How to add a member in Project?

    You can add a new Project member from the Settings. Go to Settings > Project Members and click the + symbol under the appropriate category. The Project owner can add new members to a project from a list of portal members. If the user doesn't exist in Portal, please contact your Portal admin to add the user to the Portal.

  • Can I view only the data of apps that are associated with my Project in the Home page?

    Yes, you can view only the data of the apps that are associated with your project by creating groups in the Home page. Follow the below steps:

    • Go to Apptics Home and click All Projects.
    • From the drop-down, click Create Group.
    • Select the apps, enter a group name, and click Create.
    • You can keep your group public or private. A public group will be visible to all the Portal members. A private group will be visible only to the Project members.
  • What is a Project group in the Home page?

    A project group is a collection of all your projects. You can decide what projects to include in the Project group. Your project group can either be public or private.

  • How to get the Config file for my apps in Zoho Apptics?

    You can find the config file for your existing applications from Settings > Application IDs. You can find the detailed steps on how to download the config file in our User guide.

  • How to integrate my apps with Apptics?

    Integrating Apptics with your Application is a simple process. You can refer to the below links to understand how to integrate Apptics with different applications.

  • Can I change the project owner in Zoho Apptics?

    Yes, you can change the project owner in Zoho Apptics. Go to Settings > Project Members. Click on the edit icon near the Project owner and elect the new Project owner. This action is a role-based action and only Project owners or the Portal admin can change the ownership.

  • How to add a member in Portal?

    Please contact your portal admin to add new members to the Portal. You can find the Portal admin by clicking on the Portal members icon on the right strip.

  • Difference between a Portal member and a Project member?

    A portal is an org-level directory where all the members who are required to access Apptics can be added. A project member is a subset of Portal members. 

  • What platforms are supported by Apptics?

    Apptics support Apple (iOS, macOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS), Google (Android), and Microsoft (Windows) platforms at the moment.

  • What is a tag in Apptics?

    A tag is used to identify in what mode are you going to use the added application. There are two tags, i.e., Development and Production. This is done to avoid data pollution in the web console.

  • Can we migrate from Firebase or Countly or any other third party analytics to Apptics?

    At present Apptics does not allow any migration from other third-party services. This is in our roadmap and will be available soon.

  • Are there any restrictions on how many apps can be added in one Project?

    No, there are no such restrictions.

  • Where can I find the meaning of all the technical terms used in Apptics?

    You can find the definitions of all the technical terms in our Glossary page.

  • What integrations are offered from Apptics?

    Zoho Apptics offers the following integrations:

    • Zoho Desk - To streamline your support requests
    • Zoho Projects- To efficiently manage your tasks/Bugs
    • Zoho Cliq - To notify your team in real-time about Crashes, Feedback received, etc.
  • How to configure In-app Updates in Apptics?

    All the steps to configure In-app Updates are available in our User Guide

  • Is Apptics In-app Updates applicable for other stores apart from PlayStore and AppStore?

    Unfortunately, No! At the moment you can configure In-app Updates only for apps available on AppStore and PlayStore.

  • How to configure In-app Ratings in Apptics?

    All the steps to configure In-app Ratings are available in our User Guide.

  • What are dynamic and static stats in In-app Ratings?

    In Apptics' in-app Ratings dashboard, you have two types of rating stats, i.e. dynamic and Static.

    • Dynamic Stats are the ratings that are given when the users are prompted with the Rate Us pop-up.
    • Static Stats are the ratings that are given from your Apps Settings.
  • How to configure Parameters and Conditions in Remote Config?

    All the steps to configure Parameters and conditions in Remote Config are available in our User Guide.

  • How to configure Events in Apptics web console?

    All the steps to configure the Events in the web console are available in our User Guide.

  • I have mistakenly uploaded a wrong App version for my app. Can I undo it?

    Go to Settings > App Version and you can disable/reorder the app version at your convenience.

  • Why is there a log maintained of all the activities that I do in Apptics?

    Apptics is a GDPR compliant service. To maintain the same, we need to keep a track of the activities that happen in Apptics. You can visit our Terms of Use for further details.

  • Are there any restrictions on Parameters or Conditions in Remote Config?

    You should not add any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in either the Parameters or Conditions.

  • What is the purpose of 'Assign as a Bug' in Crash module?

    In order to help you manage your projects efficiently, Zoho Apptics offers you an integration with Zoho Projects. Once you have integrated with Zoho Projects, you will have an option as 'Assign as a Bug' in the Crash dashboard. You can use this option to assign any bugs that are reported in your app to the app developers and can track the progress of the same in Zoho Projects. For more information on Zoho Projects, please visit https://www.zoho.com/projects/. Please note that for integration Zoho Projects, you should have a Portal in Zoho Projects.

  • Crashes are not getting symbolicated properly?

    There are many factors involved in crashes not getting symbolicated. Please refer to our User Guide on symbolication to understand more about it.

  • Can we use enums to register the events in Apptics?

    Yes, you can register events using enums. To use events as Java enums, refer to the following links.

    • For Android, click here.
    • For iOS, click here.
    • For Windows, click here.
  • Can we collect any personally identifiable information (PII) of our users through apptics?

    We do not encourage collecting any PII from your users at any point. If in case you need to collect some PII, we recommend you keep your users informed. You can read more about our GDPR readiness in our TERMS OF USE.

  • Can we disable email notifications during event creation?

    Email notifications are based on user-preferences. You can enable/disable email notifications anytime under Settings > Email Notification.

  • Does Apptics provide the option to track CTAs (Click-To-Action)?

    No. Apptics does not track any CTAs (Click-To-Action) in your app. 

  • Why do the stats of our users shown in the Apptics console differ from the logs generated in our servers?

    The reason being because Apptics only tracks a user when he chooses to share his in-app usage and crash related info, i.e. 'Opt-in' users.

  • How do we remove user preferences saved related to Apptics sdk?

    The User preferences are removed when the application is uninstalled or when the OS gets updated.

  • Why do we get ProjectConfigurationException in zanalytics-plugin when we add libraries to our Android project?

    When you include zanalytics-plugin in both the build.gradle files of the library & the parent module, you will get the ProjectConfigurationException. Remove the zanalytics-plugin from all the libraries added to the parent module.

  • Sometimes, why do we get multiple feedback emails immediately just after we launch an update to the Google play store without explicitly using the feedback feature?

    This may happen because of spammers involved in this activity. This could also be the result of some Pre-launch reports, that automatically launches and crawls in your application for a while.

  • Can we disable the option to send feedback from Apptics sdk anonymously for users of our app?

    Yes, you can disable the option to send feedback anonymously. Refer to our In-app Feedback SDK Guide to understand how to handle it in different platforms.

  • Can we add/remove an email id for receiving email notifications from Apptics?

    Yes, you can add/remove the email Ids for receiving the email notifications from Settings > Email Notifications.

  • Is it possible to export stats/data from Apptics to any other application?

    No. Apptics doesn't allow you to export the stats/data to any other application.

  • When will Apptics send analytics data to its servers from users' applications?

    Analytics data is sent to the Apptics server differently in every platform.

    Android - Analytics data is collected and saved locally in Android. It is pushed to the Apptics servers in the same session at periodic intervals. If there is any issue and the data couldn't be pushed, then the data is pushed when the app comes to the foreground again or is synced in the background every 12 hrs.

    iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS - Analytics data is collected and saved locally in iOS. It is pushed to the Apptics server in a low priority queue. If the application supports background operations, then the data may be synced in the background as well. If not, then the data is synced every time the app comes to foreground.

    Windows - Analytics data collected and saved locally in Windows. It is pushed to the Apptics servers once in 60 seconds when the application is in the foreground. When a user quits the application, the unsynced data is sent the next time the app reopens. Crash data collected in one session is always sent the next time the app opens.

  • How does in-app updates feature work for the Chinese region, for devices without play services, and for market stores other than Google Play?

    As of now, Apptics does not support in-app updates for market stores other than PlayStore and AppStore. For the Chinese region or for devices without play services you can use the custom/native alerts with a link to the url from where the update can be downloaded. Please refer to the user guide and SDK guide for more information.

  • At times, why can't we make a gradle sync with zanalytics-plugin dependency or zanalytics library?

    It may be due to poor network connectivity. We advise you to restart the Android studio with a proper connection. If there are no network issues, then try restarting the system, this should sort the issue. You can contact Apptics support for any further assistance.

  • How to disable sharing of usage stats?

    You can find the methods/classes for disabling the sharing of usage stats in our SDK Guide under User and Settings in each platform.

  • Why do we get an exception stating that some *.h files are not found while trying to build the project?

    This may be due to the cache available in your system. Try clearing the cache of the pod using “pod cache clean —all” command followed by “pod repo update” and then “pod install/update”. This should sort the issue.

  • How do I stop receiving e-mails about the crashes while in development mode?

    Email notifications are based on individual user preferences. You can change your preferences anytime under Settings > Email Notification (make sure that you have selected development mode). Please note that you will have to configure Email notifications for each Mode individually.

  • Why am I getting a warning in Playstore about unsafe encryption?

    You get a warning in the PlayStore when you are using older library and plugin version. We recommend you to use the latest library and plugin version always.

  • After uploading dSYMs will the symbolication happen automatically or need to be re-initiated manually?

    All the new crashes are symbolicated automatically in Apptics depending on the dSYM file you upload.  For any existing crashes you will have to re-initiate the process by uploading the dSYM from Quality > dSYM > Upload dSYM. You can also refer to our User Guide for more details.

  • How do I add a framework's dsym file to the apptics portal?

    Download the existing/working dSYM.zip for your App version from Apptics. Uncompress and add the framework dSYM in the folder. Compress and upload the file to Apptics server with the same App version.

  • How to restore any deleted Event group?

    Once you delete an Event group, an option to retrieve the event group will be available. You can use this option to restore the deleted event group.

  • I have deleted an Event group accidently. Can I create another event group with the same name?

    Yes, you can create another event group with the same name but we would recommend you to restore the deleted event.

  • I have enabled Desk integration for Feedback, Bugs, and Help but in the tickets section, it shows 'Not Integrated'?

    Please contact us at support@zohoapptics.com.

  • Why there are no stats of Signed-in devices and Unique Active Users?

    It could be because either the app does not support user login or does not provide logged-in user details with Apptics.

  • Why aren't certain events listed in the Event list in the dashboard?

    Events will appear in the Events list only when they are configured in the Apptics web console.  If they are not configured in the web, they won't be listed in the events list.

  • Why there is no toast message for the mode being used? (Development - 0, Production -1, Testing - 2)

    This could be because the apps notifications are not On. If so, please turn on the notifications.

  • Is information on the last crash accessible when crash reporting is turned off in the app?

    No, this information will be accessible only when crash reporting is turned on in the app.

  • Will in-app ratings work in devices below lollipop?

    Currently, all the features in the Apptics Android SDK work for minSdkVersion 16 and above. So, Apptics' In-app ratings will work in lollipop as well.

  • ZAEvents class is not being generated for my android app having different flavors?

    If the various flavors of your android app are created as different projects then check if the events are configured for all the projects.

  • Unable to upload the dSYM file in Apptics from our iOS app?

    Please refer to the User Guide for symbolication to upload the dSYM file. If you still face issues, contact us at support@zohoapptics.com.

  • How does an Android Immediate in-app update work?

    For Android Immediate in-app update, if X days are configured in 'Remind After N days' and Y reminders are configured in 'Force Update After N Reminders', then the user will get Y app update popups, each appearing after a gap of at least X days. The first pop-up will appear when the user opens the app for the first time after you do the configuration in the Apptics console.

  • How to test google's In-app update for android apps?

    Google's in-app update works only with the support of the Google Play Store. For testing this feature in Apptics SDK, you need to use the Play console's internal testing track (refer to this link).

  • Can crashes of extension target such as broadcast upload target be tracked using Apptics?

    Yes, it can be tracked. You need to add the Apptics pod to the extension target. In your AppExtensions classes, call Apptics.startExtensionSession("APP_GROUP_IDENTIFIER") on start and Apptics.stopExtensionSession() at the end. You don't need to create a run script for the extension target.