In-app Events


In-app Event tracking helps you to understand how users engage with your app and perform different actions in your app. An event is an action from your user (user activity) that you want to measure.

Events allow you to measure an unlimited number of Events for your apps and analyze Events based on platforms, OS and app versions, device types and models, and country.

From the latest SDK versions, i.e., Android (0.2.3), iOS (0.2.0), React native (0.6.0), Flutter (0.0.5), and Windows (0.6.0), you do not need to configure the events in the console.

Events will be tracked as configured in the SDKs, refer to the below links:

Event types

Zoho Apptics provides two types of event analytics; Defined events and Custom events. 

Defined events - These are the default events that are available for your use once you have integrated our SDK.

Custom events - These are the events that you want to capture using our SDK.

Accessing events in the console

  • Go to Engagement > Events.
  • Click on Manage events and you will see both Custom events and Defined events.
  • For custom events, you can edit the display name using the edit option.
  • For define events, you can only delete these events in case you added them by mistake.
  • Once an event is deleted, data tracking will stop unless you retrieve them.
  • Once retrieved, data tracking resumes back to normal.

Note: In between the time when you delete and later retrieve the events, no tracking happens. Those events are lost forever.

These steps are only applicable if you are not using the latest SDKs.
  • Navigate to Engagement > Events.
  • Click Manage events to add the event configuration.
  • Click the Group Name drop-down.
  • Click Create New and enter the name of the group you want to create.
  • Click Add and the Event group will be created.
  • After creating an Event group, enter the Event Name and click Create.
  • The added event will be listed in the all events list.
  • Click Edit to edit the Group name or Event name.
  • Click Delete to delete the Event group or Event name.

Add a new Event to an existing group:

To add an Event to an existing group, follow the steps given below.

  •  Click the Group Name drop-down and select the group in which you want to add an Event.
  •  Enter the Event Name and click Create.
  • A new event will be added to the selected Group.
NOTE: If you delete the group, all the associated events will be deleted automatically.
  • All the In-app Events that you configure will be listed in the events list. Click on the individual tabs to get more details such as brand, platform, bundle id, app and OS versions, device type, device model, and country.

Import and Export Events

You can import the Events as a JSON file to your Project.

  • Click on Configure Event > Import.
  • Select the JSON file you want to upload to your project and click Open.
  • The events will be imported to your project and listed in the event List.

You can export the Events as a JSON file from your Project.

  • Click on Configure Event > Export.
  • All the Events will be downloaded as a JSON file.