Retry Settings

On every subscription renewal/activation, Zoho Subscriptions will automatically charge your customer’s card. If it fails, Zoho Subscriptions kick-starts a process called Retry Settings a.k.a Dunning Management to try charging the card again after a specific period of time.

Why Retry Settings?

Retry Settings is more of a follow up method than just canceling a subscription on payment failures. It focuses on reducing the involuntary churn rates which happens due to insufficient credit on card, card expiry, blocked card etc.

If you want to cancel the subscriptions for unpaid customers, Zoho Subscriptions automatically retries to charge the customer card several times to reduce the involuntary churn rates. This way customers are retained and a huge workload is lifted off from your shoulder which gives you ample time to focus on reducing the voluntary churn rate.


Consider the following Retry Settings example to understand how it works in realtime.

Date of Renewal: 1st June
Attempt 1: 5 days
Attempt 2: 5 days
Attempt 3: 3 days

A subscription is set to renew on June 1 but unfortunately the payment fails. Now, retry settings will kick into action and Zoho Subscriptions will try to charge the card again for the subscription on June 6. If the Attempt 1 fails, then Attempt 2 will be kicked into action and so on. After each attempt, an email will be sent to the customers about the payment status so that customers can take the necessary action.

For example, if a payment fails due to insufficient credit, customer can take settle his outstanding balance or if it is due to expired card, customer can update their card using the link provided in the email so that the next payment attempt succeeds.

And, if you’re wondering what should you do? Well, literally nothing. Zoho Subscriptions will cover almost everything from following up with customers on your behalf to charging the card again.

Enable retries

To enable Retry Settings in Zoho Subscriptions,

Configuring number of retries and intervals

Although a maximum of three retries can be made, you can choose to have one or two retries as well.

Leave “Second retry” and “Third retry” unchecked if you just want one retry attempt in case of a payment failure. Leave only the “Third retry” unchecked if you want two retry attempts after a payment failure.

You can also specify the number of days after which another retry is to be made. Ensure that the sum of days between retries do not exceed a month.

Configuring retries and interval

Email notifications

When the first initial payment attempt to renew/activate a subscription or any of the retry attempts fail, your customers will be notified via an email. The email will inform about the subscription status, next retry attempts. All the emails will be sent by Zoho Subscriptions on your behalf.

You can edit the email content using the button Credit Card located next to each retries.

Email notifications

Though your customers receive notifications, you will not receive any notifications by default. To know how to receive notifications for failed retry attempts, click here.

Disable retries

If you disable the retry settings, you will have to manually follow up with customers regarding failed payments. Hence, it is not recommended to disable the retry settings. Zoho Subscriptions will only email the customers about the failed initial payment attempt and will mark the subscription as Unpaid or Canceled.

To disable the retry settings, configure the retry settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Disable retries

Refer our FAQ section for more questions related to Retry Settings.

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