Sales Tax

The Sales Tax feature is exclusive to the USA. You need to have your organization set to U.S.A to make use of this feature. Below are a list of operations you can perform with sales tax.

Enabling the Sales Tax

To enable sales tax for your organization,

Enable Sales tax

Creating a New Tax

To create a new tax,

Create Sales tax

Create Sales tax

Creating a New Tax Group

To create a new tax group,

Tax Group

Tax Group

Creating a New Tax Exemption

You can create new tax exemptions for customers and items. E.g. Child care and non-profit organizations are exempt from taxes.

Tax Exemption

Tax Exemption

Creating a New Tax Authority

To create a new tax authority,

Tax Authority

Tax Authority

Editing a tax

To edit a tax,

Editing Tax

Deleting a tax

To delete a tax,

Deleting Tax

Default tax

The Default Tax will be used in transactions when tax preference (Taxable/Tax Exempt) is not set for the involved customers. The first tax you create will be marked as the Default Tax initially. However, you can mark a different sales tax as default as well.

Default Tax can be useful for the following scenarios.

Default Tax is not automatically associated with a customer. It is only used when tax preference (Taxable/Tax Exempt) is not set for the involved customers. You can set the Tax Preference of a customer at anytime.

To mark a different tax as default,

Default Tax

Associating tax for a customer

Let’s say, your customer resides in Utah where a sales tax rate of 4.7% applies. Read below to find out how you can associate this rate to the customer.

Associating Tax

Making a customer non-taxable

There might be occasions where your customer is a non-profit organization which is exempt from tax. You can make a particular customer non-taxable by following the below steps.


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