Gmail Integration

In a business, it is very common to send email reminders to your customers regarding their payment. If you are using Gmail to communicate with your customers, you can integrate your Gmail account with Zoho Subscriptions.

How does this help you?

To integrate your Gmail account with Zoho subscriptions:

Gmail Integration

Note: When you integrate with Gmail, the following details will be shared with them.

  • Organization Name
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Address
  • Country

Adding mails as comments

After you connect to your Gmail account, you can view all the mails sent from that account to your customer. Here’s how:

You can see all the mail activity carried out between you and your customer. To add any mail activity to your customers comments:

You can now view the mail activity in your customers’ comments section.

Disable integration

To disable the Outlook integration:

Gmail Integration

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