Schedule Campaign

You might want to send your emails at the most opportune time of day and week. Using this API, you can schedule sending time for campaigns.

Scope required

  • ZohoMarketingAutomation.campaign.UPDATE

Other alternative scopes

  • ZohoMarketingAutomation.campaign.CREATE-UPDATE (CREATE + UPDATE)
  • ZohoMarketingAutomation.campaign.WRITE (CREATE + UPDATE + DELETE)
  • ZohoMarketingAutomation.campaign.ALL (CREATE + UPDATE + DELETE + READ)


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <access_token>

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request type:

  • POST

Request URL

API Limit

  • Duration: 5 mins
  • Number of Calls: 500
  • Lock Period: 30 mins

You can send 500 API calls per 5 minutes. If you hit this limit, you can't use this API for the next 30 minutes due to security reasons, but you can still use other APIs if their lock period hasn’t been reached.

List of parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
campaignkeyStringGet it from the recent campaign response
scheduledate*mm/dd/yyyyProvide a date to schedule campaign
schedulehour*[1-12]Give a preferred time
scheduleminute*[00-55]Give a preferred time
am_pm*StringSet am or pm
istimewarpBooleanSet to sender's time zone
sendingTZStringSet to recipient's time zone

* - Mandatory parameters

Possible error cases

Error codeDescription
3023AB campaign cannot be sent to less than 4 recipients.
6607No Content for this campaign.
6606No lists selected for this campaign.
6605Campaign status is changed.
6609Content changed after review.
6608Recipient changed after review.
6611Content is not reviewed.
6604Error in campaign sending. Shopify setup error
6603Error in Campaign Sending. Coupon setup error.
903Mandatory fields are missing.
6600Campaign is sent.
6503Campaign has been deleted.
6302There are no details in this campaign.
6601Insufficient privileges to perform this action. Please lead the org admin.
6301Invalid campaign key.
1004Invalid URL for content import.

If your error code is not listed above, click here.

Sample request


Sample Response

Copied{ "message": "Success", "campaign_status": "ScheduledAfterReviewed", "code": "200", "uri": "/api/v1/sendcampaign", "version": "1" }