
Unlocking training and knowledge sharing beyond boundaries

Elevate your corporate training and knowledge sharing experience with branded custom portals for external training and streamlined resource sharing, and a range of other exciting features.


Custom Portals

Extend training and knowledge sharing beyond the walls of your organization. Elevate your corporate training experience with branded custom portals for external training and streamlined resource sharing, and a range of other exciting features.

Custom Portals

Zylker Hub

Stay ahead of the curve

Contractor Portal

Custom Portals
Custom Portals

Partner Portal

Learning paths


    Pick courses that help learners achieve a learning goal and bundle them together.


    Schedule the delivery of individual courses in your learning path over a period of time.


    Structure the order of courses and ensure learners complete them one after the other.

Learning paths
Learning paths

Department specific training


    Curate training programs tailored to different departments in your organization.


    Manage the delivery, access, and reports of all users in the department from one place.

SCORM compliant LMS

Use pre-existing content. Effortlessly integrate your current modules into the platform instead of recreating them from scratch.Add learners to shareable content object reference model (SCORM) courses and manage course behavior and delivery.Track individual learner metrics and analyze their progress in the training programs.

Mandatory articles


    Ensure important company information is not missed by everyone. Mark articles as must-reads for the readers in a manual.


    Require readers to confirm their reading and acknowledgment of the article’s content.

Learning paths
Learning paths

Verification reminders


    Make sure your knowledge base articles remains up-to-date.


    Set the time frame for sending reminders to article authors to verify content.

Article external sharing


    Share individual articles with users who aren’t part of your hub using a public URL.


    Set expiration for the URL and protect access to articles with passwords.

Learning paths