Stripe - Zoho Billing Integration

Stripe is one of the world’s leading online payment service providers helping individuals and businesses to accept payments online. Stripe merchants can integrate with Zoho Billing to track their sales and payments they receive on a daily basis.

This integration will help you track the overall sales that takes place in Zoho Billing using Stripe, the amount deposited by Stripe, and the fee Stripe charges you.

Stripe supports multi-currency transactions so your international customers can pay you in their own currencies.

In this page…

Set up the Integration

To set up your integration, you will first have to connect your Stripe account and then configure the integration to start tracking payments.

Connect your Stripe Account

If you have a Stripe account already, you can easily connect it with Zoho Billing. To do this:

Set up Connect

You have now successfully integrated your Stripe account.

Receive Payments through Stripe

Once you have integrated Stripe with Zoho Billing, your customers can directly make a card payment to you through Stripe for the invoices sent to them. Here’s how:

Insight: Your customers can make transactions through bank account ACH Payment as well.
enable payment

Once you have enabled payment options, your customers can make payments from their customer portal or from the invoice link shared with them via email. Here’s what your customer’s will have to do:

Pay now Pay
Notes: The online transaction fees will depend upon the charges specified by Stripe.

Instant Verifications through Stripe Financial Connections

Stripe Financial Connections allows your customers to instantly verify their bank accounts. If you haven’t enabled Stripe Financial Connections, Stripe will verify bank account using micro deposits.

Note: If you’re an existing user of Plaid, you can either switch to Stripe Financial Connections, or you can continue using Plaid.

Enable Stripe Financial Connections

To enable Stripe Financial Connections:

Verify Using Stripe Financial Connections

Once you’ve enabled Stripe Financial Connections, your customers will be able to verify their bank account while making ACH payments through their Customer Portal. Here’s how:

Track Transactions in Stripe

This section will help you monitor the sales information of Zoho Billing in your Stripe account. Here’s how:

Dashboard- Stripe

You can also check the payments accepted, refunds made and their breakups from the Payments tab. Transfers made to your bank account and the money Stripe owes you, can be checked from the Balances tab.

Edit the Integration

If you wish to offer multiple payment methods for your customers, you can do it by editing it. Here’s how:

Edit Edit
Notes: iDEAL is a payment method in Netherlands which is exclusive to Netherlands customers. If the customer wishes to pay via iDEAL, then the customer's currency in Zoho Billing should be in EUR. You will have to enable iDEAL payment method in your Stripe account before enabling it in Zoho Billing.
Pro Tip: If your stripe credentials expire, you can click the **Refresh Token** option from the dropdown next to the **Edit Settings** button.

Delete the Integration

If you feel you no longer want to use the Stripe integration, you can delete it. However, before deleting:

Once these conditions are met, you can delete the integration. Here’s how:

Delete Confirm Delete
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