e-way Bills - Other Actions

Sync e-Way Bill Details to Zoho Billing From The EWB Portal

Once you’ve generated e-way bills for your transactions and updated the e-way bill number in Zoho Billing for the respective transactions, you have to sync your e-Way Bill module with the EWB portal to fetch your e-way bills’ validity details or any updates made in the portal regarding the e-way bills. This ensures the data in your organisation is up-to-date. To fetch data from the EWB portal to your organisation:

Cancel e-Way Bills

Sometimes, your shipment might get cancelled, your destination might get modified, or there can be some human errors when creating an e-way bill. In such a situation, you can cancel your existing e-way bill within 24 hours from the time of creation and generate a new one. But if the e-way bill has been verified, then it cannot be cancelled.

To cancel an e-way bill:

Exclude Transactions

When there is no necessity to transport goods from one place to another, an e-way bill is not required though the invoice’s total value might be greater than Rs.50,000. In such cases, you can exclude that transaction from having to generate an e-way bill in Zoho Billing. Here’s how:

Restore Excluded Transactions

Sometimes, you might create invoices for your customers ahead of time, but the goods will be delivered at a later date. So, the transactions for which you wish to deliver the goods later can be excluded. Once you’re ready to transport the goods of the excluded transactions, you can restore those transactions.

Now, all the excluded transactions will be restored as Not Generated, and you can generate an e-way bill for these transactions.

Read this article to learn more about e-way bills.

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