The purpose of this API is to create a task in Zoho Connect.
Request URL: | |
OAuth Scope: | zohopulse.tasks.CREATE |
Request Method: | POST |
Mandatory Header: | Header name: Authorization Header Value: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d401c803988c5cb849d0b4215f52 |
Name | Description | Required |
scopeID | Network in which the task is to be posted. Can be taken from the network list API. | Required |
boardId | In case the task needs to be added to a board, specify the board ID. If not, the task is added as a private task. | Optional |
title | Task title. Maximum characters allowed is 5000. | Required |
desc | Task description. Maximum characters allowed is 500. | Optional |
sectionId | In case the task is added to a Board, provide the ID of the section to add the task to. | Required (if added to a board) |
priority | Set the priority levels as either: None or Low or Medium or High | Required |
streamId | In case you want to add a task that refers to a post, provide the stream ID of that post.
| Optional |
position | Required in case of a board task. | Required (if added to a board) |
fileIds | Multiple file IDs should be separated by a comma. Upload files using upload files API and then use the file IDs. The user can add up to 10 files to a task. | Optional |
userIds | User IDs of members whom the task should be assigned to. Separate multiple IDs by a comma. | Optional |
eyear | Due date of the task. Mention the year. ex) 2019 | Optional |
emonth | Due date of the task. Mention the month. ex) 08 | Optional |
edate | Due date of the task. Mention the date. ex) 21 | Optional |
isSelfReminder | If the task requires a reminder set this as true. If not, set this as false. | Optional |
remYear | Task Reminder Year ex) 2019 | Optional |
remMonth | Task Reminder Month ex) 08 | Optional |
remDay | Task Reminder Day ex) 21 | Optional |
remHour | Task Reminder Hour. Mention this in the 24hr time format ex) 20 | Optional |
remMin | Task Reminder Minute. ex) 18 | Optional |
checkList | Maximum of 10 checklist items is allowed. The total number of characters in a checklist can go up to 200. | Optional |
tagNames | Names of hashtags associated with the task. Multiple tag names should be separated by a comma. | Optional |
tagColors | Differentiate tags by adding colors. Add multiple color names separated by a comma. | Optional |
frequency | Set a value if you'd like to repeat the task. Allowed values: 0,1,2,3 {0 - Daily, 1 - Weekly, 2 - Monthly, 3 - Yearly} | Optional |
howOftenRepetition | Set a value based on how often you'd like the task to be repeated. Values allowed: 1 to 30. The default value will be taken as 1. | Optional |
dayOfWeek | Used when the task is repeated WEEKLY. Allowed values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 {1 - Sunday to 7 - Saturday} If you'd like the task to be repeated on multiple days during the week, then add the values, separated by a comma. | Optional |
dayOfMonth | Allowed values 1 to 31. Used when the task is repeated MONTHLY. | Optional |
monthOfYear | Allowed values 1 to 11. Used when the task is repeated. Values allowed: 0 - January to 11 - December | Optional |
repeatEndYear | End year for task repetition. ex) 2019 | Optional |
repeatEndMonth | End month for task repetition. ex) 11 | Optional |
repeatEndDate | End date for task repetition. ex) 21 | Optional |
Sample URL
Sample Response
"addTask": {
"stream": {
"id": "929000000855665",
"userDetails": {
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"canFollow": "true"
"partition": {
"id": "929000000471010",
"name": "Zillum Marketing",
"partitionUrl": "zillum-marketing",
"url": "zillum-marketing",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"isAdmin": "true",
"type": "PROJECT",
"typeOrd": "5",
"isUserFollow": "false"
"allowFooter": "true",
"isApproved": "true",
"isSpam": "false",
"type": "TASK",
"nativeUrl": "/nativeTask?streamId=929000000855665&scopeID=929000000015001",
"streamId": "929000000855665",
"task": {
"title": [
"text": "Task for march"
"id": "929000000855663",
"percentage": "0",
"status": "0",
"priority": "None",
"createdTime": "1521527634741",
"formattedCreatedTime": "07:33 PM",
"endDateLong": "1521417599000",
"formattedDueDate": "18 Mar",
"isOverDue": "true",
"dueDateYear": "2018",
"dueDateMonth": "3",
"dueDateDay": "18",
"streamId": "929000000855665",
"canEdit": "true",
"canUpdateStatus": "true",
"canComplete": "true",
"canAssign": "true",
"canDelete": "true",
"position": "7",
"section": {
"name": "Open",
"id": "929000000471012"
"partition": {
"id": "929000000471010",
"name": "Zillum Marketing",
"partitionUrl": "zillum-marketing",
"url": "zillum-marketing",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"isAdmin": "true",
"type": "PROJECT",
"typeOrd": "5",
"isUserFollow": "false"
"userDetails": {
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"canFollow": "true"
"canAddRepetition": "true"
"content": [
"text": " "
"time": "1521527634833",
"streamModifiedTime": "1521527636518",
"formatedTime": "07:33 PM",
"lastActivityTime": "1521527634833",
"canHide": "true",
"tags": [],
"comments": [
"id": "929000000855674",
"time": "1521527636518",
"formatedTime": "07:33 PM",
"isApproved": "true",
"commentType": "CREATED_TASK",
"canLike": "false",
"canComment": "false",
"bot": {
"items": {
"*^$@_USERNAME_*^$@_2060758": {
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"canFollow": "true"
"img": "",
"msg": "*^$@_USERNAME_*^$@_2060758 has created the task."
"userDetails": {
"zuid": "-1",
"id": "-1",
"name": "Connect Bot"
"content": [
"text": "Patricia Boyle has created the task."
"url": ""