The purpose of this API is to create an event in Zoho Connect.
Request URL: | |
OAuth Scope: | |
Request Method: | POST |
Threshold: | 10 requests per user/minute. |
Mandatory Header: | Header name: Authorization Header Value: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d401c803988c5cb849d0b4215f52 |
Name | Description | Required |
scopeID | Network in which the event is to be posted. Can be taken network list API. | Required |
partitionId | The event can be posted in either the company wall or the group wall or the user's wall. The default will be taken as the user's wall. | Optional |
title | Event title. Maximum characters allowed is 250. | Required |
desc | Description for the event. The maximum characters allowed is 1000. | Optional |
location | Location for the event. The maximum characters allowed is 250. | Optional |
fields | Upload files using upload files API and then return the file IDs. The user can add up to10 files to an event. Multiple file IDs should be separated by a comma. | Optional |
startYear | Start year for the event. ex) 2019 | Required |
startMonth | Start month for the event. ex) 08 | Required |
startDate | Start date for the event. ex) 21 | Required |
startHour | Start time for the event (in hours). Should be specified in the 24hr time format ex) 20 | Required |
startMin | Start time for the event (in minutes). ex) 18 | Required |
endYear | End year for the event. ex) 2019 | Required |
endMonth | End month for the event. ex) 08 | Required |
endDate | End date for the event. ex) 21 | Required |
endHour | End time for the event (in hours). Should be specified in the 24hr time format ex) 20 | Required |
endMin | End Minute of the event. ex) 18 | Required |
allDay | Set this as true if you'd like the event to be an all-day one, and false if you don't. | Optional |
intervalDay | Event reminder interval in days {0,1,2,7} | Optional |
intervalMinute | Event reminder interval in minutes {5,15,30,60,120} | Optional |
intervalHour | Event Reminder Hour {0 - 23} | Optional |
invitedMembers | User IDs of members to be invited to the event. Multiple IDs should be separated by a comma. | Optional |
invitedGroups | IDs of Groups to be invited to the event. Multiple IDs should be separated by a comma. | Optional |
Sample URL
Sample Response
"addEvent": {
"stream": {
"id": "929000000855682",
"userDetails": {
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"canFollow": "true",
"type": "C"
"partition": {
"id": "929000000295001",
"name": "Engineering",
"partitionUrl": "engineering",
"url": "engineering",
"isPrivate": "true",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"isAdmin": "true",
"type": "GROUP",
"typeOrd": "2",
"isUserFollow": "false"
"allowFooter": "true",
"isApproved": "true",
"isSpam": "false",
"reason": {
"items": {
"*^$@_PARTITION_*^$@": {
"id": "929000000295001",
"name": "Engineering",
"partitionUrl": "engineering",
"url": "engineering",
"isPrivate": "true",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"isAdmin": "true",
"type": "GROUP",
"typeOrd": "2",
"isUserFollow": "false"
"*^$@_USERNAME_*^$@_2060758": {
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"canFollow": "true"
"msg": "*^$@_USERNAME_*^$@_2060758 has created an event in *^$@_PARTITION_*^$@."
"type": "EVENT",
"link": {
"linkurl": "",
"title": "Event for march"
"event": {
"title": "Event for march",
"type": "EVENT",
"streamId": "929000000855682",
"participants": {
"invitedGroups": [
"id": "929000000295001",
"name": "Engineering",
"partitionUrl": "engineering",
"url": "engineering",
"isPrivate": "true",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"isAdmin": "true",
"type": "GROUP",
"typeOrd": "2",
"isUserFollow": "false"
"yesUsers": [],
"maybeUsers": [],
"noUsers": [],
"pendingUsers": []
"eventInvitedCount": "1",
"pvtEventMemberList": ",929000000295001,",
"userDetails": {
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"canFollow": "true"
"url": "",
"googleCalendarUrl": "",
"formattedStartTime": "05:00 AM",
"fullformattedStartTime": "March 21, 2018 05:00 AM",
"startTime": "1521648000000",
"endTime": "1521763200000",
"startDay": "4",
"startDate": "21",
"startMonth": "3",
"startYear": "2018",
"startMin": "0",
"startHour": "5",
"dateComFormatStr": "21-Mar-2018",
"formattedEndTime": "01:00 PM",
"fullformattedEndTime": "March 22, 2018 01:00 PM",
"endDay": "5",
"endDate": "22",
"endMonth": "3",
"endYear": "2018",
"endMin": "0",
"endHour": "13",
"canAddReminder": "true",
"canEdit": "true",
"canDelete": "true",
"canAddRepetition": "true"
"content": [],
"time": "1521527809645",
"streamModifiedTime": "1521527809645",
"formatedTime": "07:36 PM",
"lastActivityTime": "0",
"canHide": "true",
"comments": [],
"url": "",
"streamMentionData": [
"zuid": "2060758",
"id": "2060758",
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"type": "C",
"emailId": "",
"role": "MEMBER"
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