Create a Tag

This API can be used to create tags to associate them to to your contacts.



Request Type

  • GET

Request URL


API Limit

  • Duration: 5 mins
  • Number of Calls: 500
  • Lock Period: 30 mins

You can send 500 API calls per 5 minutes. If you hit this limit, you can't use this API for the next 30 minutes due to security reasons, but you can still use other APIs if their lock period hasn’t been reached.

List of Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
tagName*StringName of the tag.
tagDescStringA short description for the tag.
colorStringHex code of the color for the tag. Default color code is #ec676c.

Possible Errors

Error CodeDescription
903No mandatory fields in this URL.
9000Duplicate entry found.


Sample JSON Request


Sample Response - Success

    "code": "0",
    "message": "Tag associated successfully",
    "version": "1",
    "uri": "/api/v1/tag/associate",
    "status": "success"

Sample Response - Failure

    "code": "903",
    "message": "No mandatory fields in this URL",
    "version": "1",
    "uri": "/api/v1/tag/associate",
    "status": "failure"