Ensure your emails reach customers’ inboxes

A robust email deliverability infrastructure is essential to the success of your email marketing campaigns. Zoho Campaigns has a best in class infrastructure that ensures your emails make it to your customers' inboxes.

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Ensure your emails reach customers’ inbox Ensure your emails reach customers’ inbox

Why email
deliverability matters

Crafting compelling content and adding captivating visuals with clear calls to action (CTAs) are only half the job. If email deliverability is low, your emails might be relegated to the spam folder and not the inbox. Emails in spam are likely to be overlooked or deleted. This adversely affects your engagement and your email sender domain reputation.

Why email deliverability matters?

Factors affecting email deliverability

Email bounce

When sent emails can't be delivered, it is considered an email bounce. Email bounces can be a result of an invalid recipient address or invalid domain, and they negatively impact your sender domain reputation. Learn more about email bounces.

Spam markings

Spam markings are negative signals that mailbox providers and anti-spam services look for. Whenever recipients mark your email as spam, it will lead to a negative reputation for your sender domain and the IP address.


Mailbox providers and anti-spam services consider email engagement before making inbox decisions. Whenever a contact unsubscribes, it will create a negative reputation for the sender domain and IP address. Learn how to avoid unsubscribes.

What makes our deliverability infrastructure robust?

The core of our email deliverability infrastructure comprises the sender domain, IP address, and the anti-spam engine.

Sender domain 

A positive sender domain reputation leads to higher inbox placements. To achieve a good sender reputation, Zoho Campaigns recommends users implement domain authentication.

  • SPF is an authentication technique that helps receiving email servers identify legitimate email senders.

    Learn more about SPF
    Sender policy framework (SPF)
  • We recommend businesses implement DKIM to protect their emails from spoofing and phishing attacks.

    Learn more about DKIM here.
    DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
  • We recommend you implement DMARC. DMARC builds upon SPF and DKIM and provides instructions to recipients' email servers on how to handle unauthenticated emails.

Sender policy framework (SPF)
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

IP address

Ensure your IP address always earns a positive reputation from mailbox providers and anti-spam services.

When businesses migrate from a different email marketing service provider to Zoho Campaigns and opt for a dedicated IP address, we always urge them to warm it up first. This is because a dedicated IP address will have no reputation with mailbox providers and anti-spam services. We recommend businesses send a few emails first and slowly increase the email volume based on the response the sent emails receive.

Anti-spam engine

Zoho Campaigns's anti-spam engine, powered by state-of-the-art spam filters and algorithms, scans the sender domain, email content, and the URLs used in a campaign to identify patterns that point to spam. When our engine identifies spam, it won't approve the campaign and will block the user's account.

Contextual recommendation

Zoho Campaigns is powered by a robust email engine that gives contextual recommendations to email senders. For instance, when the sender domain is blacklisted, or if the email contains a broken link, Zoho Campaigns offers recommendations.

Custom-return path

Zoho Campaigns gives you the option to set up a custom return path address. The return path address enables email senders to analyze bounce receipts and take necessary corrective measures. Having a custom return path address increases the chances of achieving inbox placement for your emails and is very beneficial as it will help your emails pass the SPF alignment in DMARC validation.

24/7 infra monitoring

We have a dedicated deliverability team that closely monitors the rate at which emails reach intended inboxes. This involves analyzing deliverability metrics, such as bounce rates, open rates, and click-through rates to assess the effectiveness of the email campaigns in reaching recipients.

Conforming to standards for better deliverability

We strictly adhere to the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) as well as the CAN-SPAM act. This means your emails only go to people who have subscribed to your mailing list. This approval process helps improve your deliverability rate and shows who really gains value from your messages.

Tips to improve email deliverability 

‌We urge our users not to use a public domain sender address.

Use a business domain and authenticate it.

Ensure your sender domain and IP address have earned a positive reputation.

Don't purchase mailing lists.

Use the double opt-in technique to grow your lists.

Reach your customers' inbox

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