VAT201 Return

The VAT201 Return report is a comprehensive summary of your VAT returns. This report contains a list of VAT return files which are generated for a specific time period.

The VAT201 returns generated in Zoho Books follow the standards and specifications mentioned by the SARS (South Africa Revenue Service).

Generate VAT Return

VAT201 Return will be generated.

View VAT201 Return

To view the VAT201 return file:

The VAT201 return file consists of the following sections:

Calculation of Output Tax and Imported Services

Calculation of Output Tax and Imported Services

Calculation of Input Tax

Calculation of Input Tax

Net VAT Due

Net VAT Due

If you click the particular transaction, you will be redirected to the transaction page.

Net VAT Due

Share VAT201 Return Report

To share the VAT201 Return report with the other users in your organisation:

Mark VAT201 Return as Filed

To file VAT201 return in Zoho Books:

Make Corrections on VAT201 Return Report

If you’ve created any sales transactions after filing VAT, you can make corrections in the recent VAT return file to update the latest sales transactions.

To do so:

Mark VAT201 Return as Unfiled

If you want to update the filed VAT201 return file with the latest purchase and the sales transactions, you can unfile the VAT201 return file.

To do so:

You can then file the VAT201 return again once you’ve updated the transactions.

View Other Versions of VAT201 Return

You can view the other versions of VAT201 returns that you’ve filed. To do this,

The other versions of the VAT201 return will be displayed on the right side bar.

View Other Versions
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