How can I manually record an expense?
To record a new expense in Zoho Expense:
- Go to the Expenses module on the left sidebar.
- Click + New Expense in the top right corner or click the + icon next to the Expenses module on the left sidebar.
- Fill in the necessary details such as Date, Category, Amount, etc.
- Upload receipts, if any.
- Mark the checkbox near Personal if youโve incurred a personal expense.
- Check the Claim Reimbursement option if you want reimbursement for the amount youโre spending.
- Mark the Billable checkbox if you want to bill the expense to your customers. Choose the customer you want to bill from the Customer dropdown.
- Select a report from the Add to Report dropdown to add this expense to an existing report or add to a new report.
- Include employees or contact persons to the expense from the Attendees dropdown.
- Associate relevant tags to your expense.
- Click Save and Close to save your expense, or click Save and New to save and create a new expense.