Custom Fields

This is used to create the custom fields in the Item, Sprint, and Release. The custom fields will be available when the extension is installed in your Zoho Sprints application. And, they will be deleted automatically when you uninstall the extension. The fields will be available only when the extension is available. These are hidden fields and are used only for purpose of the extension.

Field types

Supported field types include:

Field TypeValue
Text AreatextArea
Multi User Pick ListmultiUserPickList
Single User Pick ListsingleUserPickList
Pick ListpickList


  • Only use a unique ID for a field in a particular module of an extension. 
  • Can use the same ID for different modules in the same extension or other extensions.
  • Provide a unique ID.
  • Only use unique names for every custom field in a particular module of an extension.
  • Cannot reuse the same display names for any of the custom fields in the same extension or other extensions.
  • Provide display name.
  • This name will also be shown in the quick filter pop-up.
  • Supported custom field include: text, textArea, multiUserPickList, singleUserPickList, radio, boolean, pickList
  • Enter value of any of the supported custom field types.

Quick filters

The custom fields are also listed in the quick filter options of item, sprint, and release modules.

	"modules" : {
		"customfields": {
			"item": [{
				"displayName": "Approvers",
				"id": "field1",
				"type": "multiUserPickList"
			"release": [{
				"displayName": "Approvers",
				"id": "field1",
				"type": "multiUserPickList"
			"sprint": [{
				"displayName": "Approvers",
				"id": "field1",
				"type": "multiUserPickList"