Businesses need an IT support desk for the day-to-day

  • Last Updated : October 18, 2023
  • 3 Min Read
Illustration of three people wearing headphones and answering customer questions

Though we are all aware of computers and IT, we are not all proficient with how machines work or how software operates. That would be work for an experienced IT professional or the IT support desk. If your business does not already have one, it’s time to set one up. It will make all the difference between a confident empowered workforce and one beleaguered by a lack of technological support.

Six advantages of an IT support desk:

1. All requests on record

Your employees no longer need to go looking for “someone from IT”. They can reach out to them just like your customers reach out to you. Either make a call, or raise a ticket. This way the request is on record, and the issue is described. Rather than just “someone”; you now know that Mark or Jolene from the IT support desk will be taking charge of your request. What’s more, this software can even assign people to specific issues they’ve previously dealt with, speeding up solution times.

2. Streamlined communication

IT support software is designed with businesses, customers, and employees in mind. It records issues, comments, and solutions, limits the need for repetition, and ensures messages don’t get lost. Another plus is how this software can assign issues to specific team members, to avoid redundant communication channels and save more time.

3. Matching issues with resources 

Everything from an unresponsive mouse to compromised data is an IT problem that calls for a distinct response, depending on the impact it has on your business. Your IT support desk is equipped to prioritize issues and schedule resources to address them appropriately and minimise slow-down or down-time to your business and employees.

4. Optimal monitoring

When your business doesn’t have a support desk, you have no way of evaluating IT services and employee function. As your employees go looking for someone from IT or place a verbal request with them, these issues could go unrecorded. With an IT support desk you have all this information in one place, and you can better monitor KPIs and service level agreements.  

5. Analysis of IT support trends

With a consolidated list of IT related issues that your team and your customers are facing, you are better prepared to analyze trends and make informed decisions. The reality of IT-related issues in any industry is accepted as inevitable despite the implications this has for business. Whether it’s multiple users experiencing the same issues or unique one-off glitches, these issues can pave the way for learning for all. This is the kind of information required to optimise operations and support for heightened productivity.

6. Revitalise tech support 

Any outsourced service that can add value to your own resources is a boon. An outsourced IT support desk can give you access to resources you may not be able to maintain in-house. For example, outsourced IT can get you a network of efficient tech staff to handle escalations and on-site technicians to step in when remote diagnostics don’t work.

Most businesses tend to defer IT Support desk decisions because of budget constraints. But that’s not necessary. Several outsourced IT support desks provide a pay-per-user premise, so you can scale the service to your needs at any given time. Besides, now your IT experts can focus on your IT strategy and other plans for growth.

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