If you have customers from different countries, you can add the different currencies you deal with and set their exchange rate.
- Add New Currency
- Edit Currency
- Add Exchange Rate
- View Exchange Rates
- Import Exchange Rate
- Export Exchange Rate
- Fetch Exchange Rates Automatically
- Delete Currency
Insight: Zoho Subscriptions supports all currencies for offline payments. You can also view a list of all the supported currencies for online payments via payment gateways.
Add New Currency
To add a new currency,
- Click the Gear icon icon at the top-right and click More Settings.
- Next, select Currencies from the left pane.
- Click on the + New Currency button on the top.
- In the drop-down that appears next, select the Currency Code and all the other fields like Currency Symbol, Decimal Places and Format will be auto filled. You can change these auto-filled value according to your preference, if you’d want to.
- Click Save to add the currency.
Edit Currency
Editing the currencies that you’ve added allows you to make changes to the Currency Symbol, Decimal Places and Format.
To edit the currency,
- Click the Gear icon icon at the top-right and click More Settings.
- Next, select Currencies from the left pane.
- Hover over the currency you want to edit and click the edit button that appears.
- In the Edit pop-up that appears, you can edit the Currency Symbol, Decimal Places and Format.
- Click Save.
Add Exchange Rates
For every currency you add, you have to provide an exchange rate for your base currency for calculation purpose. exchange rates for each currency have to be added manually to your Zoho Subscriptions accounts at periodic times. Updated exchange rate entries will help in accurate calculation of currency gain or loss. If you want to automate this whole process, click here.
To update exchange rate for a currency,
- Click the Gear icon icon at the top-right and click More Settings.
- Next, select Currencies from the left pane.
- Hover over the currency you want to edit and click the view exchange rates button that appears.
- In the following screen, click the + Add Exchange Rate button at the top.
- In the following pop-up, enter the date and exchange rate. The exchange entered will only be used from the date entered.
- Click Save to add the exchange rate.
View Exchange Rates
To view a list of past exchange rates entered for a specific currency,
- Click on the Gear icon > More Settings > Currencies.
- Hover over the desired currency row and click on the view exchange rates button that appears to view the list of exchange rates added for that currency in the past.
This can be a good synopsis on the exchange rate fluctuations. You can also add a new exchange rate or delete an existing rate from this page as well.
Import Exchange Rates
You can also import exchange rate instead of manually entering them. To import exchange rates,
- Click on the Gear icon > More Settings > Currencies.
- Now, click on the
Hamburger icon at the top-right corner and select Import Ex. Rate.
- In the Exchange Rates - Select File screen next, click the Choose File button to upload the relevant .csv or .tsv file from your hard disk.
- Choose the appropriate Character Encoding type and File Delimiter.
- Click on Next.
- In the Map Fields screen next, Zoho Subscriptions will automatically try to map the fields of your uploaded customer file with that of the Zoho Subscriptions fields.
- In case of any unmatched fields, you can manually map them and click on Next.
- In the Preview screen next, the information like the number of exchange rates to be imported, number of records skipped and unmapped fields will be shown.
- At this stage, if you are unsure about importing the customers, then click on Previous button to make the necessary changes. Or else, click on Import button to import the exchange rate list.
Export Exchange Rate
To export exchange rates,
- Click on the Gear icon > More Settings > Currencies.
- Now, click on the
Hamburger icon at the top-right corner and select Export Ex. Rate.
- In the dialog box next, select Exchange Rate from the drop down list under Entity field.
- Under Export As, select the appropriate type in which the customer list has to be exported.
- Click on Export.
Fetch Exchange Rates Automatically
Zoho Subscriptions allows you to automatically fetch the exchange rates for all the currencies that have been added in your organization. The exchange rate will be fetched in real-time from our service provider Open Exchange Rates with respect to the base currency of your organization. They provide real-time exchange rates for more than 165 world currencies.
Follow the steps below to enable this feature:
- Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner and select More Settings from the drop-down.
- Click on Currencies from the left pane.
- Click the Enable exchange rate feeds button to automatically fetch the exchange rates.
- If you wish to disable automatic fetching of exchange rates, go to the Currencies section again and click on the Disable exchange rate feeds button.
Delete Currency
To delete a currency,
- Click the Gear icon icon at the top-right and click More Settings.
- Next, select Currencies from the left pane.
- Hover over the currency you want to edit and click the trash icon that appears.