Tax Payment

The tax return generated in Zoho Books will be helpful during your tax return filing. This Tax return will be in accordance with your tax period and the transactions recorded in Zoho Books.


Insight: Tax payments can be recorded either via a Bank or a Cash Account. However, a tax claim can be recorded only through a bank account.


Tax Return Process

Once you file your tax return to the ZATCA, you can mark the generated tax return as filed in Zoho Books. After you have paid the tax amount to ZATCA or reclaimed the tax amount from ZATCA. you can record it from three different modules in Zoho Books:


You can record tax payments or claims for the filed returns from the Reports module. Here’s how: 

Tax Payment

Tax Payment Record Payments

Tax Claim

Reports tax claim Reports claim


You can record tax payments and tax claims from the Accountant module. Here’s how:

Tax Payment

Accountant Tax Payment Accountant Tax Payment

Tax Claim

Accountant Tax Claim Accountant Tax Claim


You can record tax payments and claims from the Banking module. Here’s how:

Tax Payment

Banking Tax Payment Banking Tax Payment Banking Tax Payment Reports- Tax Payment

Tax Claim

Banking Tax Claim Banking Tax claim Banking Tax Claim Banking Tax Claim

Payment History

Now that you have recorded all the payments and claims, you can also view them in the payments history section. Here’s How

Go to AccountantTax Payments. Select the Payment History tab in the top of the page.

The list of all the tax payments and tax claims will be listed here.

Payment History

VAT Set-up
Customers and Vendors
VAT in Transaction
VAT Filing

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