Zoho Books is a completely VAT compliant accounting application. We have tailor-made it to suit all your accounting needs for VAT in Saudi Arabia. With Zoho Books, you can:

Let’s start off with the basic configuration of VAT in Zoho Books.


Set Up Your Organization

When you are initially setting up your organization in Zoho Books, you will have to follow the steps below in order to configure your VAT settings:

New Organization

Note: The Business Location cannot be changed once you have entered it while setting up your organization.

Insight: The TRN is a unique 15-digit number provided to you by the ZATCA for tax purposes.

If you deal with businesses outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, mark the box Enable trade with customer or vendor outside Saudi Arabia.

New TAX Organization

With this, you have successfully entered the VAT details while setting up your organization.

Set Up Taxes

If you haven’t set up your VAT information while setting up your organization, here’s how you can do it:

Tax Settings
Fields Description
TRN  Enter the Tax Registration Number provided to you by the ZATCA.
International Trade If you deal with businesses outside Saudi Arabia, mark the box Enable trade with customer or vendor outside the Saudi Arabia.
Reporting Period  You can file your tax returns either Monthly, or Customise the time period. 
VAT Registered On  The date on which you have registered for VAT. You can create VAT transactions from the VAT registration date.

After you set up your tax information, the different tax rates that will be auto-populated while creating transactions are:

Standard Rate [5%]
VAT of 5% can be applied on transactions created in Zoho Books. Most of the transactions that occur in Saudi Arabia fall under this tax rate.

Zero Rate [0%]
VAT of 0% can be applied on transactions created in Zoho Books. Learn more about sectors which are taxed at 0%. 

If any of the items are exempted from VAT, you can select them as exempted from VAT while creating transactions. You don’t need to create a new tax for such transactions. Learn more about sectors which are exempted from VAT.

Out of Scope
If the supply of any of your items does not fall under the scope of VAT, then you can select this option while creating transactions for them. 

Learn more about the basics of VAT

Next >
Customers and Vendors

VAT in Transaction
VAT Filing
Tax Payment

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