A Little about Cbensol
Cbensol trains companies to set up strong governance frameworks using Knowledge, Operations and Compliance mechanisms. We set up Business Shared Services for organizations.
Cbensol's Challenge
We were managing most projects on Excel Sheets and found this process difficult.
The Zoho Solution
We use Zoho Projects to manage end-to-end operations and to track our deliverables with each customer. We primarily use the tasks and milestones module and the documents module.
Impact of Zoho Projects
At our organization Zoho Projects is the boss. We are able to stay on top of all our deliverables which helps us gain the trust of our customers. It lets the team collaborate and be more organized. The top management gets a single window to track everything. If the work is not on the project site as a task and not completed the person responsible has to answer the entire team. The features and ideas have inspired us to make our own tool simple and easy to use. It is this seamless collaboration which has made us like and stay with Zoho Projects and helps us keep up our value of Walk the Talk.