Creating Tasks

Tasks are a list of things to-do for accounting firms. It helps you keep track of all the important work they need to do for their respective clients.

Scenario: Patricia works in XYZ accounting firm who manages a small team of 10 users. As the tax season rolls around, it’s time to review their clients' their financial statements for auditing. Patricia can simply create tasks and assign them to her team memebers. This way, each team member knows what they need to do, and it’s easy for Patricia to track the progress of each task as well. Tasks helps them meet deadlines and provide top-notch service.

Benefits of Tasks

With the Tasks feature, you can seamlessly communicate about various to-dos within the organisation. Some of the benefits of tasks are:

Creating Tasks

There are two ways in which you can create a task in Zoho Practice.

  1. Create tasks from the Tasks module.
  2. Create tasks contextually from other modules.

Creating a task from the Tasks module

To create a Task:

  1. Click the Task icon and click the New button on the top right corner of the page.
  2. Enter the necessary details.
  3. Click Save.
Create a Task
TitleEnter the title or name of the task.
Assign toSelect the users you want to associate with the task.
Notify user via emailMark this option if you wish to notify the user about the task through email.
Related ContactAdd the contact you want to associate with this task.
Due DateSelect the date on which you expect the task to be completed.
PriorityChoose the priority of the task. You can choose if its very high, high, normal, low or very low priority task.
Set ReminderSet reminders and choose to send the reminders via email, in-app notification or both to the assigned user.

On clicking Save, the task will be created and if you had marked the Notify user via email option, the user will receive an email with the task details. You can view the task by clicking the tasks icon in the top right side of the page.

Once you or a user completes the task, it can be marked as Completed from the Change Status dropdown.

Create tasks contextually

You can create a task by clicking the Task icon on the top right corner of any module in Zoho Practice. For example, you can create a task from a client requets’s details page by clicking the Tasks icon.

Create Task from Client Request

A task created from a particular module will be associated with that module. You can later view all such associated tasks from a specific module from the Associated Tasks section.

Associated Tasks