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HR Newsletter

January, 2022

Monthly Highlights

What's New?

Here's a quick rundown of everything new in Zoho People from last month:

On the Roadmap

Have a look at some of the features that our team is working on to simplify HR practices!

  • Career History Report

New from Knowledge Hive

Catch a glimpse of our latest articles to gain insights on some best HR practices and strategies on how to develop an ideal work environment for your employees!


Feature of the Month

Did you know? The On Duty feature in Zoho People can be enabled to accurately manage the attendance of those employees who work away from your worksite. Employees can also apply for On Duty well ahead of time.

Learn more!


HR Tip of the Month

With the new year just beginning, wondering how to keep your organization from having post-holiday blues? Here are some tips:

  • Encourage more transparency and communication management levels
  • Give up micromanagement and empower your employees
  • Introduce methods to boost the physical and mental health of your people
  • Take steps to improve social connections among your workforce
  • Design an employee-approved system for solving conflict and disagreement

Making Work Fun

Every year, February 17th is celebrated as Random Acts of Kindness Day. In a work environment, it's crucial to treat employees with kindness and also encourage them to be kind to each other, especially at a time when the world is going through such a period of uncertainty. Little acts of kindness at work can make all the difference in fostering a positive work environment. Something as simple as a thank-you note, constructive feedback, surprise gifts, or team dinner can get employees truly excited.

Making Work Fun
Making Work Fun

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