Session Information


To get the details of a particular document session.

HTTP Request URL


Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
apikeyStringUniquely identifies the web application in which the Writer editor is integrated.
session_idStringUnique user session id of the document.


Users can find the 'session_id' in all Zoho Writer API responses. For example, the "session_id" is captured as part of the response and can be seen in Preview, Edit and Comparison APIs.

Sample Request


Sample Response

 "status": "active/inactive/invalid"
 "user_info":  {
  "info": {
     "document_id": "12345",
     "created_time_ms": 1659578400000,
     "created_time": "2018-05-08T13:54:41Z"
     "expires_on_ms": 1659578400000,
     "expires_on": "2018-05-08T13:54:41Z",
     "session_url": "<session_id>/edit"

Status Description:

active - If the session details is available and opened.
inactive - If the session url is not yet opened.
invalid - If no such session is available for that APIKey.