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Approval Actions

All the approvals created will be listed under the Approvals tab in the Timesheet module. Once an approval is submitted, it can either be approved or rejected by the project manager.

Submitting an Approval

You can either submit an approval as soon as you create it, or save it and send it later. If you have done the latter and have only saved the approval, to submit the approval:

Submit Approval

Approving an Approval

Note: An approval can be approved only by the project manager.

Here’s how you can approve a pending approval:

Approve Approval

Insight: An approved approval can be invoiced, or sent for Client Approval later.

Rejecting an Approval

Note: An approval can be rejected only by the project manager.

You can both reject a pending approval or reject an approval that has already been approved. Here’s how:

Reject Approval

Reason for Rejecting Approval

Pro Tip: You can use this comments section to exchange messages with your manager.

Approval Comments

Other Approval Actions »

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