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Creating a New Credit Note

You can create a credit note from three different places within Zoho Invoice.

From the Credit Notes module

Credit Note creation

Save As

or perform the following actions:

           * Save and Submit - To save the credit note and submit it for approval.
           * Save and Approve - To save the credit note and approve it.

From the Invoice module

You can also create a credit note directly from an invoice in the name of the customer you want to issue those credits for. 

Creating a credit note

Alternatively, you can also create a credit note by just clicking the + New drop down on the top right corner and selecting New Credit Note.

More Action

From the Contacts module

Credit notes can also be created by selecting a customer from the Contacts tab. Select New transaction > Credit Note and proceed to create the credit note.

Credit Note

You can view and edit these anytime by clicking on the pencil icon highlighted below lets you edit the credit recorded.

Editing a credit note

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