Creating a New Recurring Invoice

Bill your customers on a regular interval for the same amount of product/services offered.

You can create recurring profiles by two ways. Either you can click the + icon beside the Recurring Invoices module on the left sidebar

New Recurring Invoice form

or click the Make Recurring option on the invoice creation page

New Recurring Invoice form

You will be navigated to a new recurring invoice form for capturing the details involved in creating a recurring invoice.

Customer Details

In this section, you will be learning about entering the basic customer and invoice details.

Recurring Invoice Customer Details

Item Details

In this section, we will be walking you through the procedure of adding the item details in your recurring invoice. Learn more about Items.

Recurring Invoice Item Details

Insight: Discount can be applied at invoice level or item level. To set discounts at invoice/item level or to disable discounts, navigate to gear icon > Preferences > General.

Payment Options, Terms & Conditions, Templates

This section will walk you through configuring payment options, editing terms & conditions and changing templates for your recurring invoice.

Recurring Invoice Payment Options

History of Invoices

To view details of the invoices that were generated from a particular profile, 

History of Invoices

Importing and Exporting of Recurring Profiles

If you have recurring profiles in a different system and would like to bring it into Zoho Invoice, you can import your recurring profiles. Likewise, if you would like to store all your recurring profile data to your own device, you can export it.

Import Recurring Profiles:


Export Recurring Profiles:


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