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Client Approval Actions

Under Client Approvals tab, all your client approvals will be listed. A Client Approval can be submitted, approved or rejected.

Client Approval Submission

You can either submit the client approval as soon as you create or save and send it later. If you have done the latter,

Approving Client Approvals

There are three ways by which a Client Approval can be approved.

From Customer Portal,

From All Timesheet tab,

From Client Approvals tab,

Client Approval Rejection

Client Approvals can be rejected by three ways.

From Customer Portal,

Pro Tip: You can use this comment section to exchange messages with your clients.

From All Timesheet tab,

From Client Approvals tab,

Insight: Only submitted client approvals can be rejected. To mark a client approval as Rejected, you will have to either submit it or first mark it as submitted.

More Client Approval Actions »

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