Zoho Creator 2.0 Goes Live
Customers Praise Zoho Creator as "MS Access + VB on the Web"
Zoho today announced immediate availability of Zoho Creator 2.0, which lets users easily create powerful online database applications in minutes. Already, Zoho Creator 2.0 is building a reputation as the Web equivalent of Microsoft Access combined with Visual Basic.
"Simplicity is a core design goal at Zoho," said Raju Vegesna, Zoho evangelist.
"What's the point of giving our customers a powerful application if they can't use it – or won't use it – because it's too difficult? No, our customers want power, but they want ease of use, too. Judging from the feedback, we got it right with Zoho Creator. It is simply powerful."
Zoho Creator customer Ted Hughes confirms that assessment. After trying in vain for three months to build a vendor management application using Microsoft Access and Visual Basic, Hughes created the application in a single night using Zoho Creator.
"Zoho Creator did exactly what I wanted it to do," said Hughes, the bulk chemicals operations manager at SoluChem LLC. "I consider Zoho Creator equal to Access plus Visual Basic."
Inside Zoho Creator 2.0
With version 2.0, the company has improved Zoho Creator's already-impressive power and ease-of-use. Zoho Creator 2.0 highlights include:
- A new user interface that features a drag & drop form builder, improved layout, and easy navigation
- Deluge Script Builder, which simplifies scripting, so users can quickly and easily create powerful applications with complex logic; and
- Embeddable Form/View, so users can take the Form/View of an application built with Zoho Creator and embed it in websites and blogs.
These new features supplement Zoho Creator's established advantages including:
- Ease of use – Users can create highly customizable applications using simple drag and drop operations.
- Collaboration – Users can invite friends, team members, and others to collaborate while maintaining control of what information each individual can see and whether they can add, edit or simply view it.
Creator of Happy Customers
As with previous Zoho applications, praise has been pouring in from Zoho Creator customers and reviewers who have, to date, created over 30,000 applications with Zoho Creator.
"Zoho Creator is incredibly ambitious and there's a lot more to the service that I just don't have space to cover. If there was ever a poster child for the Web 2.0 world, this is it!"
Mark Gibbs, Network World
"I found Zoho Creator to be the best choice for online database creation among other services. This is the web-based alternative to MS Access and VB. Deluge, the Scripting Language, allows us to build complex applications awesomely without need of any programming experience. WOW!"
Mathias Pruestel, CEO, Magix Corp
"In the past I used an off the shelf program, FileMaker, for data collection. Now I boot up my browser and head to Zoho… Zoho Creator provides me a quick and very easy tool for creating database applications that I can easily embed in our school web site to gather data."
Tim Lauer, Principal, Lewis Elementary School, Portland, Oregon
"How can I thank you for such useful apps? I am a public school teacher trying to use technology to make the curriculum more relevant and engaging. So often I find myself needing an online tool, and now I can create them. So often I find open source tools that will do the trick, or would if I had time to learn PHP and SQL. Now I can dig into my "someday" tasks because I have access to the tools I need."
Susan Sedro, White Bear Township, Minnesota
"I have a lot of technology at my disposal but Zoho Creator has provided exactly what I've wanted for years, in about 15 minutes. I had to tell someone how fantastic I think this product is. Superb. Thanks and well done."
Andy Beale, Deputy IT Director Guardian News & Media
"Zoho Creator represents the wave of the future. With Zoho Creator, knowledge workers can easily create very simple list style applications in minutes."
Rod Boothby, InnovationCreators.com
"Imagine FileMaker, but for the web. Designing forms automatically generates data tables, whose contents may be displayed in views or used as values in list boxes on other forms. ...a warm fuzzy feeling knowing what great support I get even from a free product. I like these guys! AAAAA++++++ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WOULD DO BUSINESS AGAIN!!!!!"
Joshua Herzig-Marx
"Zoho Creator makes it remarkably easy to create very simple tracking applications...and parent-child relationships are handled so well you don't even need to know what that means to use it."
"Zoho Creator is a superb concept. You have given me a tool that lets me design exactly what I need. I have spent many hours searching for ready-made programs for organizing my orders in this way. So you see, I already knew what I wanted but couldn't find it."
Susanne Demaree, Lefante
"Thank you Zoho for your thoughtful software that anyone can use. Zoho Creator is an amazing application that is easy to use and setup. It was a godsend for the applications I needed for my website, saving me thousands of dollars to have someone else make the databases and design the pages."
Wayne "Kila" Watts.
"This has really helped me to solve the database problem for my company! Great stuff! Must thank you for this online service. I really needed to build online databases, without relying on a technical person to do this for me. I have been able to design a complex database using the simple GUI interface & it does the job exactly as I need. Good Stuff mates!"
"Zoho Creator can be put into the innovative bucket. It lets end-users create simple web applications with no coding knowledge."
Phil Sim
"I have been in the field since computers were running on candles (no electricity yet). Discovering Zoho is one of the highlights of my career. I will be working on the development of educational applications and plan to include it in my future book."
Hanan https://www.ucalgary.ca
"It has a great Web 2.0 interface, is extremely easy it get the hang of. All I can say is amazing! I'm gonna give this product 5 Super Justin Stars out of 5."
About Zoho and AdventNet
Zoho is creating the most comprehensive suite of affordable, online collaborative productivity applications and business applications for today's knowledge workers. To date, Zoho has launched 16 different applications and more are in the works. Zoho has received numerous awards including a 2008 PC WORLD 25 Most Innovative Products Award for Zoho Notebook and "Best Enterprise Start-up" at The 2007 Crunchies. Nearly 200 developers work on the Zoho suite. For more information on Zoho, please visit www.zoho.com and blogs.zoho.com.
Zoho is a division of AdventNet, in business since 1996 providing innovative software products and serving more than 25,000 customers worldwide. For more information on AdventNet, please visit www.zohocorp.com.
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