Get Audit Constants
This API retrieves the possible categories, subcategories, and operation types available for auditing activities within the organization.
OAuth Scope
Use the scope
ZohoMail.organization.audit.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.audit.READ
to generate the Authtoken.
ALL - Full access to audit.
READ - Read access to audit.
Request URL
Method: GET{zoid}/activity
Path Parameters
- zoid* long
- This parameter denotes the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization.
- This parameter can be retrieved from the Get Organization Details API.
Query Parameters
- mode* string
- This parameter represents the type of operation that is to be performed.
- Provide the value as getConstants.
* - Mandatory parameter
Response Codes
Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken ***"
Sample Response
"status": {
"code": 200,
"description": "success"
"data": {
"category": {
"1001": "Organization",
"1002": "Domains",
"1003": "Users",
"1004": "Groups",
"1005": "Email policy",
"1006": "Email restriction",
"1007": "Account restriction",
"1008": "Access restriction",
"1009": "Email forward policy",
"1010": "Spam verification",
"1011": "Data Migration",
"1012": "Import/Export",
"1013": "Troubleshoot",
"1014": "Subscription",
"1015": "Compliance",
"1016": "Integrations and Extensions",
"1017": "People",
"1018": "Email routing",
"1019": "Security",
"1020": "Roles and Privileges",
"1021": "Spam processing ",
"1022": "Incoming rules",
"1023": "Trusted list",
"1024": "Allowed list",
"1025": "Blocked list",
"1026": "Blocked list patterns",
"1027": "Internationalized spam",
"1028": "Phishing and Malware",
"1031": "Quarantine",
"1033": "Partner console",
"1034": "Other apps",
"1036": "MDM",
"1037": "Imports",
"1038": "Exports",
"1039": "Outgoing rules",
"1040": "Banners and Modifiers",
"1041": "Calendar",
"1042": "Shared Resource",
"1043": "MailBox Storage Stats"
"subCategory": {
"1001": {
"2001": "Settings",
"2002": "User",
"2003": "Welcome email template",
"2004": "Signature template",
"2005": "Locations",
"2006": "Customized login"
"1002": {
"3001": "Catch-all",
"3002": "Notification",
"3003": "Subdomain stripping",
"3004": "Domain disclaimer",
"3005": "Domain alias",
"3006": "General",
"3007": "Domain configuration",
"3008": "Email configuration",
"3009": "Domain Records Verify"
"1003": {
"4001": "Email alias",
"4002": "Email forwarding",
"4003": "Out of Office",
"4004": "Email Policy",
"4005": "Mailbox actions",
"4006": "Anti-Spam settings",
"4007": "MailBox",
"4008": "Password",
"4009": "Custom Admin",
"4010": "Personal information",
"4011": "Signature",
"4012": "Storage",
"4013": "Two-factor authentication",
"4014": "Login email address",
"4015": "Allowed IP addresses",
"4016": "S/MIME",
"4017": "Session activity",
"4018": "Send mail details",
"4019": "Mail Folders",
"4020": "Message Recall"
"1004": {
"5001": "Group members",
"5002": "Group member settings",
"5003": "Anti-Spam settings",
"5005": "Group settings",
"5006": "Moderation",
"5007": "Group alias",
"5008": "General",
"5009": "Email restrictions",
"5010": "Domain restrictions"
"1005": {
"6001": "Email restriction",
"6002": "Access restriction",
"6003": "Account restriction",
"6004": "Email forward policy",
"6005": "Associated users",
"6006": "Associated groups",
"6007": "General"
"1006": {
"7001": "Domain",
"7002": "Email address",
"7003": "Attachment",
"7004": "Subject",
"7005": "General"
"1007": {
"8001": "External account access",
"8002": "Signature customisation",
"8003": "Import email",
"8004": "Export email",
"8005": "Attach from cloud",
"8006": "Add to cloud",
"8007": "General",
"8008": "Display BCC"
"1008": {
"9001": "POP access",
"9002": "IMAP access",
"9003": "Exchange ActiveSync",
"9004": "Email forwarding",
"9005": "POP & IMAP settings",
"9006": "Email forward settings",
"9007": "Allowed IP addresses",
"9008": "General",
"9009": "Maximum Session Count",
"9010": "Email client IP restriction"
"1009": {
"10001": "Email forwarding address",
"10002": "General"
"1010": {
"11001": "SPF verification",
"11002": "DKIM verification",
"11003": "DNSBL verification",
"11004": "Whitelist update",
"11005": "Blacklist update",
"11006": "Quarantine update",
"11007": "DMARC verification",
"11008": "Backscatter spam verification",
"11009": "Likely Spam Setting",
"11010": "High Confidence Spam Setting",
"11011": "Phishing Spam Setting"
"1011": {
"12001": "Server",
"12002": "User",
"12003": "Settings",
"12004": "Migration"
"1012": {
"13001": "Users",
"13002": "Groups",
"13003": "Mail Accounts"
"1013": {
"14001": "Block Account",
"14002": "Retry Mail Delete",
"14003": "Unblock Account",
"14004": "Mail Recovery"
"1014": {
"15001": "Plan Subscription",
"15002": "Subscription Add On",
"15003": "Subscription PRVN"
"1015": {
"17001": "Data Subject Request",
"17002": "Deleted email recovery",
"17003": "Retry emails"
"1016": {
"18001": "Developer Roles",
"18002": "Marketplace Whitelists",
"18003": "Extensions",
"38001": "Extensions",
"38002": "Org Apps",
"38003": "Marketplace Apps",
"38004": "Purchased Apps",
"38005": "Siem Splunk",
"38006": "Slash Commands",
"38007": "Siem Loggly",
"38008": "Siem webhook",
"38009": "Siem Qradar",
"38011": "EWidget"
"1017": {
"19001": "User"
"1018": {
"20001": "Configuration",
"20002": "Inbound gateway",
"20003": "Outbound gateway"
"1019": {
"21001": "TFA",
"21002": "Allowed IP addresses",
"21003": "Password policy",
"21004": "SAML authentication",
"21005": "Suspicious login",
"21006": "S/MIME",
"21007": "Idle session timeout",
"21008": "Content encryption"
"1020": {
"22001": "Roles",
"22002": "Privileges"
"1021": {
"23001": "Org spam process type",
"23002": "Sender-based alerts",
"23003": "Post-delivery spam checks",
"23004": "Settings"
"1022": {
"26001": "Connection filter",
"26002": "Content filter",
"26003": "Email forwarding",
"26004": "Incoming Attachment Rule"
"1023": {
"27001": "Emails",
"27002": "Domains",
"27003": "IP addresses"
"1024": {
"28001": "Emails",
"28002": "Domains",
"28003": "Hashes"
"1025": {
"29001": "Emails",
"29002": "Domains",
"29003": "IP addresses",
"29004": "TLDs",
"29005": "Recipient emails"
"1026": {
"30001": "Sender patterns",
"30002": "Subject Patterns",
"30003": "Content Patterns"
"1027": {
"31001": "Language",
"31002": "Country"
"1028": {
"32001": "Cousin domain verification",
"32002": "Display name spoofing",
"32003": "Malware processing",
"32004": "Settings",
"32005": "Phishing Simulator"
"1031": {
"35001": "Quarantined emails",
"35002": "Notification settings",
"35003": "Self moderators",
"35004": "Delivered emails",
"35005": "Denied emails",
"35006": "Settings",
"35007": "Quarantine Self Moderator"
"1034": {
"37001": "Contacts",
"37002": "Cliq"
"1036": {
"39001": "Settings",
"39002": "Integration"
"1037": {
"24001": "Users",
"24002": "Groups",
"24003": "Policies",
"24004": "Mail Accounts"
"1038": {
"25001": "Users",
"25002": "Groups",
"25003": "Policies",
"25004": "Mail Accounts",
"25005": "Quarantine emails",
"25006": "Export mail from folders",
"25007": "MailBox",
"25008": "Email Statistics",
"25009": "Logs",
"25010": "Compliance",
"25011": "Organization"
"1039": {
"40001": "General",
"40002": "Outgoing Attachment Rule"
"1040": {
"41001": "Incoming emails",
"41002": "Outgoing emails"
"1041": {
"41001": "Roles",
"41002": "Branches",
"41003": "Resources",
"41004": "Features",
"41005": "Bookings",
"41006": "Reports",
"41007": "Settings",
"41008": "Interoperability Settings",
"41013": "Buildings",
"41014": "Floors",
"41015": "Rules",
"41018": "User Settings",
"41019": "Calendar Settings",
"41020": "Calendar Internal Admin",
"41021": "Rebrand"
"1042": {
"41009": "Share MailBox",
"41010": "Share EMailID",
"41011": "Share Folder",
"41012": "Share View"
"1043": {
"41016": "MailBox Storage Stats",
"41017": "MailBox Storage Stat Export"
"operationType": {
"16001": "Add",
"16002": "Update",
"16003": "Delete",
"16004": "Download",
"16005": "Get"
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