Upstack fosters its 5000+ developer community and fuels growth with Zoho Mail

The Company

In today's fast-paced business environment, assembling agile and skilled teams is crucial for success. Upstack leads this charge, collaborating with rapidly expanding companies to tap into remote talent and accelerate their path to market triumph. With a global network of top technical experts proficient in sought-after skills like Node.JS, Angular, React, iOS, Android, RoR, and Python, Upstack fosters distributed teams and breaks geographical barriers.

By embracing remote collaboration, the company enables organizations to access diverse talent pools and deliver outstanding products fit for the digital era.

The challenges

Upstack faced operational challenges surrounding the creation and deprecation of emails. This process—essential for smooth communication between developers and clients—posed several difficulties, including the risk of using the wrong email addresses and the need to generate emails promptly without disrupting ongoing projects.

Previously, Upstack adopted a practice of granting inbox access solely to developers actively engaged in projects. This approach resulted in the constant necessity to manage inbox access, requiring frequent assignments and removals to ensure efficient communication. Furthermore, their prior use of Google Workspace exclusively for customer engagement resulted in unnecessary business processes and hefty bills. Phasing emails in and out proved to be a cumbersome experience for both Upstack and the developers involved, affecting their overall productivity.

In exploring potential solutions, Upstack evaluated various options, including hosting their own email server. While it was initially appealing because of the perceived cost-effectiveness and simplicity, the reality of high maintenance costs, labor-intensive upkeep, and inherent risks deterred them from pursuing this route.

Other alternatives presented viable options but came with higher price points. During their search phase, they couldn’t find cost-effective options tailored to their specific needs, highlighting a surprising lack of competition in the market for such solutions. Remarkably, Zoho Mail emerged as a significantly economical alternative, offering a cloud-based solution that addressed their needs at a fraction of the cost.

The solution

In 2021, Upstack embarked on the journey of implementing Zoho Mail, a decision driven by the need to streamline communication channels for their ever-expanding community of software developers. With Zoho Mail, they were able to provide email inbox options for over 5,000 developers at Upstack in a remarkably cost-effective manner.

This number surged by 2,000 within the last year alone, underscoring the rapid growth and scalability of their operations. A pivotal factor in Upstack’s decision was the superior flexibility offered by the Zoho Mail API compared to its Google counterpart. This flexibility facilitated seamless monitoring of emails and ensured timely responses from developers, enhancing overall efficiency.

"We're currently in the process of utilizing the Zoho API to deploy user accounts. Our aim is to leverage this API for enhanced security measures, ensuring that user accounts are utilized appropriately and in line with our business standards. Our primary concern is mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or misrepresentation of our business, making the API integration an essential step in safeguarding our operations," says Yossi Mlynsky, CEO and Founder of Upstack.

The user-friendly nature of Zoho Mail, along with its intuitive inbox migrator tool, made the transition smooth and hassle-free, further solidifying their choice and improving communication and collaboration within their developer community.

"Transitioning the Upstack community to Zoho Mail was a smooth experience. The email inbox migrator provided by Zoho Mail was remarkably straightforward and user-friendly, greatly facilitating the entire process." —Yossi Mlynsky

Benefits and ROI

The transition to Zoho Mail has yielded significant benefits and a remarkable ROI for the company. By realizing substantial savings through the migration, they were able to extend permanent "" inboxes to an additional 2,000 developers. This move not only expanded their communication infrastructure but also fostered a stronger sense of belonging among developers, who now feel like integral members of the company. Such an outcome would have been unattainable with their previous email provider, Google. By implementing Zoho Mail, the company has been able to decrease expenses for clients while concurrently boosting revenue streams for developers, highlighting the significance of financial stability and growth for all parties concerned.

Looking forward

Looking ahead, Upstack plans to leverage Zoho Mail's capabilities to foster global connections among developers, facilitating collaboration and innovation on an international scale.

By expanding their reach and making the community feel more connected, the company aims to cultivate stronger relationships with clients, which will increase their revenue streams. As the company continues to grow, prioritizing client satisfaction and maximizing support for developers will remain central to their strategy, ensuring sustained success and prosperity for all stakeholders involved.

"With Zoho, I'm confident in scaling up. I don't have any doubts about their longevity; they're here to stay and destined to become even bigger players. As they consolidate their tools, Zoho's going to dominate. In a landscape where tools are becoming more commoditized and comparisons between vendors are rampant, price and simplicity of onboarding will be key. And I'm pretty sure Zoho will emerge as the obvious choice for businesses out there." —Yossi Mlynsky
  • IndustryIT Services and IT Consulting
  • Company-size51-200
  • Industry typeB2B
  • Download PDF

Challenges Faced

  • Creation and deprecation of emails for communication between developers and clients.
  • Redundant processes and high cost with Gmail.

What the company loves about Zoho Workplace

  • Email inbox for 5,000+ developers in a remarkably cost-effective manner.

Favourite Features

  • Superior flexibility offered by the Zoho Mail API when compared to its Google counterpart.
  • Intuitive inbox migrator tool.