HTTP Status Codes
200 | OK | The API request is successful. |
304 | NOT MODIFIED | The requested page has not been modified. This response is sent by the server to load the previously cached data from the browser. |
400 | BAD REQUEST | The server could not understand the request due to invalid parameters sent. Check the parameter and its values. |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | Invalid ticket. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | No permission to do the operation. |
404 | NOT FOUND | Invalid request. The URL does not exist in our server. |
405 | METHOD NOT ALLOWED | The specified method is not allowed. |
413 | PAYLOAD TOO LARGE | The server did not accept the request since the size has exceeded. |
415 | UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE | The server did not accept the request while uploading a file since the media/ file type is not supported. |
429 | TOO MANY REQUESTS | The number of API requests per minute has exceeded the limit. |
500 | INTERNAL SERVER ERROR | The generic error that is encountered due to an unexpected server error. |