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  • Sales Landing Page : Create High Converting Sales Pages

Sales Landing Page : Create High Converting Sales Pages

  • Last Updated : November 9, 2023
  • 4 Min Read
How to create high-converting sales landing pages

How to create high-converting sales landing pages?

Landing pages are highly versatile. They can be used at different stages of the buyer's journey to serve various purposes from lead generation to event registrations.

However, as the name suggests, sales landing pages are built with a singular goal: to make a sale. Through a carefully constructed narrative, the sales page explains how the product or service will make the customer's life easier.

What is a sales landing page?

Unlike other landing pages where visitors are expected to share contact information, sales landing pages have to convince them to open their wallets. Getting potential customers to buy your product or service is definitely more tricky than getting their email addresses.

By implementing the following strategies in your landing page builder, you can turn them into high-converting landing pages.

Long sales page vs short sales page

This is one of the more basic decisions you have to make for your landing page. If your product or service is complicated or belongs to a significantly high-end price range, you will have to explain things better and work harder to convince your visitors to make a sale. In such cases, the long-form sales page is the way to go.

If your product is relatively inexpensive and self-explanatory, short sales pages where most of the content lies above the fold is more practical.

Long-form pages are easier to address customer objections and pain points in detail, while short-form sales pages help businesses cater to visitors who won't necessarily have the patience to read a long sales page or for those who don't need a lot of convincing.

Key elements of a high converting sales landing page

Focus on the unique value proposition

Sales pages are a great way for businesses to convey their value proposition to customers. The unique value proposition (UVP) or unique selling point (USP) speaks directly to the customers and it answers how your product or service solves their pain points and why customers should choose your business over other competitors.

Craft effective headings

Even if you have put in a lot of lead nurturing hours educating customers about your business and product, a landing page that doesn't immediately capture their attention isn't going to convert very well.

Create headlines and subheadings that make it easier for visitors to understand the contents of your landing page faster. If the product or service is complicated, including a long headline and layering the landing page with subheadings that reinforce the value proposition catches the attention of your target audience and acts as a positive influence to make a buying decision.

Speak in your customers' language

Toning down the technical jargon, explaining the product or service from the customer's point of view, and focusing on benefits instead of features can help make the content palatable to visitors. Emphasizing how the product or service will make them feel can also persuade visitors to make a purchase.

Switch up the layout

In long-form sales pages, it is important to break the page up into segments and break away from patterns that can be repetitive. Chunks of content and bulleted lists interspersed with relevant images and videos can make landing pages more engaging. If you can retain the attention of customers throughout, the chances of making a sale are higher.

Let your customers speak for you

Offering social proof and testimonials from existing customers can help seal the deal with potential customers. Typically, businesses use various types of social proof to persuade visitors to take action. Counters that show the number of existing customers influence visitors to take notice of your product. When you add ratings from popular websites and a few lines of text from customers that describe your product, you have concrete social proof that visitors simply can't ignore. B2B brands can use customer logos and testimonials from their clientele to make their business more credible.

Show don't tell

Including videos and images is no longer a suggested strategy, it's a mandatory strategy. Use visual cues and images to direct your visitor's eyes through the page. Videos help hold the attention of visitors and also gently nudges them towards taking action. Videos can either be testimonials, explainer videos, or a mix of both.

Minimize navigation and distractions

Sales pages rarely have navigation links in the header or footer. Since your visitors are coming to a post-click landing page, they have a singular purpose in mind. Hence, showcasing the entire array of products or services can distract visitors from buying. External links that lead visitors to other resources could be fruitful in the early stages of the buyer's journey. However, on a sales page, they aren't just unnecessary, they are simply counterproductive, leading customers away from the sale.

The call to action

Ultimately, it all boils down to whether your sales page can make a sale. So, let's talk about the call to action. Learn everything you need to know about CTAs here

Some marketers believe in using a single call to action on the sales page—a prominent, distraction-free call to action that catches the eye of the visitor. Landing page software usually have multiple CTA buttons that users can simply drag and drop. This makes sense for short sales pages, but when it comes to long sales pages, businesses must offer visitors the option to purchase at any point on the page where they might feel convinced to buy your product or service. The last thing you need is an interested buyer scrolling up and down, searching for the call to action.

Keep experimenting  

There is no secret formula to creating high-converting landing pages,but they don't happen by accident either. All types of landing pages can bring in high conversions.  By experimenting with these strategies to find relevant ones for a campaign and implementing them on every landing page, businesses can consistently create landing pages that convert.

Tell us about your go-to landing page strategies in the comments!




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  • Krithika

    Content Marketer @ Zoho LandingPage

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