Get Datapoint Value
This API is used to get datapoint values of managed entities either as time series data or single value by applying aggregation, time grouping, and period.
Request URL
Supported Modules
Supported Modules : Datapoints
Supported Modules
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken {{oauth}}
Possible Operations
Param name, type, mandatory
datapoint_name - string, mandatory
Possible values: Datapoint Name.
source - string, mandatory
Possible values: Datapoint's source ME name.
aggregation - string, optional
To get aggregated values of datapoint and source.
Possible values: Possible aggregation values: sum, avg, max, min, last_value, first_value (default value: last_value)
time_grouping - string, optional
To get aggregated values of datapoint and source based on time grouping.
Possible values: Possible time grouping values: hour, day, week, month
period - string, optional
To get aggregated values of datapoint and source for the specified period.
. Possible period values: lasthour, last24hours, today, yesterday, this week, last7days, lastweek, thismonth, lastmonth, last30days, thisyear, lastyear(default value last 15 mins).
Sample Request 1
Copied//Purpose : Getting SUM of last 15 minutes values of <datapoint_name> and source<me_name>
curl --location -g '{{api-domain}}/iot/v1/datapoints/data?datapoint_name=<datapoint_name>&source=<me_name>&aggregation=sum' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken {{oauth}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response 1
Request 2
Copied//Purpose : Getting SUM of datapoint values of this week group by day for datapoint <datapoint_name> and source <me_name>
curl --location -g '{{api-domain}}/iot/v1/datapoints/data?datapoint_name=<datapoint_name>&source=<me_name>&aggregation=sum&period=thisweek&time_grouping=day' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken {{oauth}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response 2
"<datapoint_name>": [
"Jul 01", 20
"Jul 02", 30
"Jul 03", 40