Migrate From QuickBooks to Zoho Books Using the Manual Migration Tool

The Manual Migration tool is developed for users having more than 50,000 records per module. Using the Manual Migration tool, you can easily import your list of accounts, customers, vendors, products and services, sales and purchase transactions, opening balances, and other data from your QuickBooks account into Zoho Books. In this document, we will explain each step involved in this process of migration.

Pro Tip: If you have less than 50,000 records per module, use our QBO Direct Migration tool to seamlessly fetch the data from your QuickBooks Online account into Zoho Books. Read our help document for more information.

Note: If you’re facing any issues in using the Direct Migration tool and you don’t have access to the Manual Migration tool, you can write to us at migrations@zohobooks.com and request to enable the tool for your Zoho Books organisation.

Fetch Your QBO Data

You can fetch your QuickBooks Online account’s data using the Direct Migration tool. Here’s how:

Click Fetch Data Click Update Masters Click Download QBO Data Click Download for all entities

The data will be downloaded as a ZIP file. You can extract the data from the ZIP file and import it into your Zoho Books organisation as a CSV file. Follow the steps mentioned in the Import Data section.

Import Your QuickBooks Data Into Zoho Books

Now that your QuickBooks data is exported, you can import the data into your Zoho Books organisation. Here’s how:

Click Migrate from QuickBooks

The import process consists of three steps:

1. Configure Organisation Preferences

To configure your Zoho Books organisation:

Click Configure Preferences

In the Configure Organisation Preferences page, you can configure the following preferences:

1.1 GST Details

If your business is GST registered, you can enter the GST details, and configure taxes in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

Click Configure Enter the GST details

If your business is not GST registered, you can create pre-GST taxes in the Tax Rates section.

Once you’ve entered the GST details, click Back on the top left corner of the page.

1.2 Item Preferences

In item preferences, you can enable inventory tracking, and enable HSN or SAC field. Here’s how:

Click Configure Enter the Inventory Start Date Enable HSN Code or SAC Field

Once you’ve configured the item preferences, click Back on the top left corner of the page.

1.3. Other Preferences

1.3.1 SKU for Inventory

You can track inventory for the items in your organisation seamlessly using the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). To do so, you will have to mark the SKU field as active and mandatory in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

Click Configure Mark as Active/ Mark as Mandatory

The SKU field will be made active and mandatory for all items. Click Back on the top left corner of the page.

1.3.2 Enable Timesheet

To start creating and tracking your projects in Zoho Books, you will need to enable the Timesheet module. Here’s how you can do it:

Click Configure Select Timesheet

You will now be able to log time spent performing individual tasks associated with your projects in Zoho Books. Click Back on the top left corner of the page.

1.3.3 Associate Locations as Reporting Tags

If you have your items, contacts, or transactions associated with certain locations, you can track them in Zoho Books using Reporting Tags.

To create a reporting tag:

Click Configure Reporting Tags Create Reporting Tag

You will now be able to associate reporting tags with different transactions and records and filter your reports using them. Click Back on the top left corner of the page.

1.3.4 Customise and Create New Fields

If you have certain fields in your transactions that you cannot find in Zoho Books, you can create Custom Fields for them. Here’s how:

Click Configure null Enter the Custom Field details

Once you configure all the organisation preferences, click Continue. The organisation preferences you configured will be saved.

2. Import Data

Now that you’ve exported your QuickBooks data and configured your organisation preferences, you can import the data into your Zoho Books organisation. Here’s how:

Click Import Data

You can import the following data:

2.1 Masters

In the Masters section, you can import your QuickBooks Online account’s Chart of Accounts (Account List), Items (Products and Services), Customers, and Vendors data. Here’s how:

Click Choose File

Insight: You can download the sample file and use it to ensure that the exported file is in the same format.

Click Upload Number of Records Skipped Click Import and Continue

Once the import is successful, the status of that module will change to File Uploaded.

File Uploaded

Follow the same process for the other modules under the Masters tab. Click Continue once you’ve imported data for all the modules under the Masters tab.

2.2 Opening Balances

In the Opening Balances section, you can import your QuickBooks Online accounts’ Opening Balances, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable data. To import them:

Note: To update the opening balance of your customers, you will have to import the Customer Balance Detail report in the Accounts Receivable module. Similarly, to update the opening balance of your vendors, you will have to import the Supplier Balance Detail report in the Accounts Payable module.

Upload data in the Opening Balances page

2.3 Purchases

In the Purchases section, you can import your QuickBooks Online accounts’ expenses, purchase orders, bills, payments made, and vendor credits. To import them:

Upload data in the Purchases page

2.4 Sales

Under the Sales section, you can import your QuickBooks Online accounts’ estimates, sales orders, invoices, payments received, and credit notes. To import them:

Upload data in the Sales page

2.5 Journals

In the Journals section, you can import the journals from your QuickBooks Online account. Here’s how:

Click Save and Verify Closing Balance

3. Verify Closing Balance

On the Import Trial Balance and Journal Report page, you’ll have to import the trial balance and journal report of your QuickBooks Online account to verify your closing balance. Here’s how:

Click Verify Balance

Once you’ve imported them, you can view the summary of the closing balance in Zoho Books, the closing balance in QuickBooks, and the net difference in closing balances.

Verify Closing balances page

By selecting an account, you can view the transactions recorded in Zoho Books for that account and the transactions imported from QuickBooks.

Trial Balance Review page

Make sure that there is no mismatch between the transactions recorded in Zoho Books for that account and the transactions imported from QuickBooks. However, if there is a mismatch, click the Adjust Difference dropdown on the top right corner of the page and:

Click Adjust Difference

Refer to our help document on Manual Journals for more information.

Refer to our help document on Opening Balances for more information.

In case the trial balance you imported is incorrect or you want to change the trial balance, you can change it.

Click Re-Import Trial Balance

After importing the trial balance and verifying the closing balances, ensure that the net difference in the closing balance in Zoho Books and the closing balance in QuickBooks is zero for all the accounts. Next, click Complete Migration at the bottom of the page.

Click Complete Migration

You’ve successfully migrated to Zoho Books and you can start using Zoho Books to manage your business finance.

Note: If you have doubts about migration or if you face any issues with the migration, write to us at support.india@zohobooks.com and we will help you migrate from QuickBooks to Zoho Books.

What You Can Do After Migrating

You can customise your organisation to suit your business needs. You can set up payment gateways to accept online payments or integrate with other apps such as Zoho CRM and Zoho Analytics.

Zoho Books also has many features that you can utilise to streamline your accounting process. Here are some of them to get you started:

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