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Chrome Extension for Timesheets

Zoho Invoice Timer is an extension for Google Chrome. It logs time for your projects in the Timesheets module of Zoho Invoice.

Steps to Install the Extension


Select a project from the Project Name drop down. Also select a task from the Task Name drop down and fill up the Notes field with additional information if necessary and click on the Start button.

Timer Start

Once you’ve completed the task, click on STOP to stop the timer.

Timer Stop

Log Time

If you wish to manually enter the time spent on a project, you can do so under the LOG TIME tab.

Log Time

Enter the Date, Project Name, Task Name and Time spent on the project. Fill up the Notes field with additional information if necessary and click on the SAVE button.


You can view the entries made in your Zoho Invoice account under the TIMESHEET tab. This will include both manual entries as well as those made through the timer.

Timesheet Ext


If you have multiple organizations and wish to log time for projects in another organization, click on the Gear icon and select Organizations and select the required organization. The projects associated with the said organizations would now be available.

Ext Settings

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