Zoho Invoice - Zoho Projects Integration

Benefits of this Integration:

Connecting with Zoho Projects

Portal Settings


Connect with Zoho Projects

ZSC Key Zoho Invoice

Insight: The list will show all the portals in which you are the Owner.

Zoho Projects Portal

Creating an Invoice from Zoho Invoice for Zoho Projects

Invoice for Zoho Projects

Invoice for Zoho Projects

Insight:If you wish to send the invoice to a customer created in your Zoho Invoice account, leave the customer field blank and create invoice. You can select the customer when the invoice form shows up for editing.

Insight: This will include expenses created in Zoho Projects for the above selected project and customer only.

In the same manner, an invoice created in Zoho Projects will also be reflected in Zoho Invoice. You can view and edit the invoice in your Zoho Invoice account.

Expenses recorded in Zoho Projects will also be reflected in your Zoho Invoice account.

Insight: Once a task is completed and invoiced in Zoho Projects / Zoho Invoice, it cannot be invoiced again in Zoho Invoice / Zoho Projects.

Scenario: This integration is very helpful when you run a company where you have multiple projects running and if you need to generate reports on the invoices and expenses. All the invoices that are created in Zoho Projects will be reflecting in your Zoho Invoice account too, this way you can generate reports from the Reports module in Zoho Invoice. Plus, it gives access to dual mode communication from Zoho Invoice and Zoho Projects in regards with invoices.

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