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Weitere InformationenDeciding to set up your business as an LLC might be a smart way to start, but choosing the right invoicing tool will help you keep growing. With Zoho Invoice, you can customize templates to make your invoices a tool for brand recall, not just for getting paid.
Learn more about invoices
LLC businesses are known for their flexibility and transparent structure. So why not follow the same model for your invoicing process? With our invoicing software, you can set a timer when you begin a task, import the recorded time to an invoice, and charge your customers only for the hours spent by your staff.
See how time tracking works in Zoho Invoice
Your business model depends on collaboration and open communication. With Zoho Invoice, you can create a customized portal for each client to share comments on estimates, track invoices, and write reviews of your excellent service that you can share from your official Twitter account.
See how time tracking works in Zoho Invoice
Whether your LLC business is emerging or well-established, it is vital to maintain a flow of funds. One of the best ways to do that is to make it easier to accept payments from customers. Choose a payment gateway, save customers' card details, set reminders, and say hello to a more convenient way of getting paid.
Payment collection in Zoho Invoice
Just like your business, your reports should also be robust and data-driven, but hassle-free. In Zoho Invoice, every time you bill a customer or finalize an estimate, the relevant report gets populated automatically so you can get immediate insights about business performance, invoices, and expense status.
If your LLC business requires a lot of traveling and you find it challenging to keep track of invoices, then the Zoho Invoice mobile app is the right tool for you. You can perform all the same operations as with the browser version, and bill your customers upfront as soon as you close deals with them. Our app is available for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Zoho Invoice for your mobiles